Not sure if this is an alert but...
so I'm driving from Abilene at 8 a.m. in an older Cadillac windows partially down no tent on the windows.
I see the state trooper behind me so I do not speed going between 73 and 76 as soon as it hit 76 he put on his lights..
made me get out of the car stand near his car where are you going, where you been? Blah blah.. asked if I had drugs naming every kind asked about money if I had any, no I have bank cards I have change on me....
after about 20 minutes of fbi interrogation tactics I finally said look search my car. Xxx is what I do for a living xxx is where I'm going I don't have anything you ran my tags see my licence all is clear...he wanted title to car asked dum question like about my key ring why I only had one key ...I mean all up in my business. Asked about secret departments.if had them....did a depth perseption test on my floor boards....even took a picture of my floor boards said he had never seen anything like mine before...he gave me a warning for going 76 he said a couple of miles over the speed limit sign is not a given 75 means 75..... the whole ordeal took 45 minutes.......
he said they are just keeping there highways safe and secure