"So, what kind of music do you like."

RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Have these even made their way to rural Maine?? Originally Posted by Rapture
Our telephone landlines have a lot of noise, it makes talking difficult. But landlines work fine for internet access. I can get 2Mbps down and 0.3Mbps up here in my home.

Cellphones work okay in my town, but you need a contract with the local cellphone company. Most townships do not have a cellphone tower.

When my son comes to visit from Kansas, his Iphone is not compatible with our cellphone company. So his Iphone can only work if it can get a wifi signal from my router.
All Google products geolocate you ("track your location in real time") even if you turn off the Location Services in your phone. That just turns off your GPS chip. Google still tracks you with the cell towers and wi-fi routers that you pass.

Not a good idea to plug any Google product into your car. Google will scan your car's onboard computer, and now they know everything about your car - make, model, VIN number, mileage, how you drive as well as what you do with your mobile device while in your car. (People who think they can avoid no texting or handheld device laws by looking and talking to their crotch don't know that if they are in an accident the investigators can pull the onboard computer memory chip from your car and it will tell them if you were texting or talking on your phone sans Bluetooth when the crash occurred, or if you even tried to brake or avoid the accident.)
DuckDuckGo's privacy suite gives Youtube a D+ privacy rating because of the hundreds of trackers it plants onto your computer, mobile device AND CAR every time you use it.
On this page alone the five tracker blockers I've installed blocked a combined 5 trackers - all Google products.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
You think Google is bad? Apple just upped their game with this new tech: https://blog.cryptographyengineering...fline-devices/

Potential for abuse is high, and Apple refuses to disclose details about how it works.
Why do you think a local, state, or federal attorney has nothing better to do than write requests to Apple, Google, and Amazon to pop random johns? Originally Posted by omg_lol

Once they're assigned to a "Human Trafficking Task Force". All of the tech companies hand over their data to the NSA because Uncle Sammy is paying all of the tech companies billions of your hard earned tax dollars to get that information.

Once the Prosecuting Attorney is assigned to the Task Force, they get whatever data they want by running simple queries (tech talk for algorithms to mine data, not challenged gay people) such as "suspected sex traffickers in (your zip code)". The report will list all IP addresses with names and addresses attached that have visited "Known Sex Trafficking Websites", including ECCIE.

If I were an aspiring Prosecuting Attorney, I'd pick off about 10 - 50 "low hanging fruit" (Like ECCIE providers and hobbyists), get FOSTA / SESTA convictions on them, which allows the Federal government to assign permanent "Sex Trafficker" status on them as well as seize all of their assets. The poor suckers can never open a bank account, get a credit card, get a loan, or likely get a job unless they lie on the employment app that asks if they have ever been convicted of a crime. (Lying on the app is a Federal offense.) So the poor schmucks have to compete with all of the undocumented individuals in this country to do swill work for pennies an hour.

I, Mr. or Ms. Aspiring Prosecuting Attorney, would run for a higher office on my impeccable 100% conviction rate of Sex Traffickers.

Prosecuting Attorneys are just like the average provider or hobbyist on this site - lazy. They are however, very career ambitious.