Tucker - A Great American

... G'day Patriots of Truth,

... Tucker Carlson showed America that he just may be
the MOST influential newsm-- news person in the USA.

This evening's show was GREAT at pointing out all
the 6th January LIES - and how those lies have
hurt the country.

It has NOW been confirmed that the Shaman's barrister
never had any access to the footage Tucker showed.
Either did the Judge - who has stated that
he did not view it.

We also learned that the Shaman was not offoured bail
- he was deemed "too dangerous" to be let out of jail.
He was portrayed to be the MOST DESTRUCTIVE person
at the Capitol - and yet, we saw him being led-about
by police like he was a visiting dignitary.

So some Republicans - led by MTG - will be visiting
the 6 January prisoners - to see if their civil rights
have been violated.

And then Tucker surely compared the BLM attack of the
White House and burning of the St. John's Church.
Where MORE police officers were assaulted then
on 6th Jan... Worse police injuries at the Church also.

Tucker didn't say just how many of those who fought
with police that evening and burned the church
were ever sent to jail - or have been labeled
"domestic Terrorists" - surely would like to know that.

... Hopefully Waco will post this new Tucker episode
in the Tucker thread - so you all can see.

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
And he hates Trump...

Text messages with colleagues also revealed Carlson admitting that he “passionately” hates former President Trump, and expressing relief at his impending ousting from office. The host concedes that there’s no truth to Trump’s claims of fraud and election theft. “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights” he writes, “I truly can’t wait.”
... Hey Mole - I thought we mentioned that already.
Tucker was writing THAT back when Trump was badmouthing
FOX and they dropped in the ratings... If it were
me-own show - I'd prolly hate Trump also for that.

Not sure IF Tucker is still blue with Trump.
Maybe he'll have Trump on the show soon and we'll see.

... However - let me say that most of yer comments
lately have been fair-minded, matchingmole.

All I ever asked is for people to try and look
at things with the open mind. And you can believe
and not believe whatever you wish.

#### Salty
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Zollner, you are probably making TWK cry. You can't insult the love of his life like that.

Anyway, Fucker Carlson is full of shit. I don't blame him for that. For the right price, I'd be more than happy to lie my ass off on TV too and have suckers believe my bullshit. Sounds like a nice cult gig full of retards to me and all he needs are cameras. He doesn't even have to talk to them in person and hide his laughter about his gullible dipshit followers because those dumb fucks will believe anything.

Salty, you made no sense as usual, but whatever. I don't expect a hard-core right wing American acting like an Australian on a whore board to make any damn sense anyway.
VitaMan's Avatar
A little sad to see the rabid right wingers have to run to defend Tucker...when they should be focused on saving what remains of what was the GOP.

A deal with the devil was made.
McCarthy got his position
The rabid right got the tapes.
  • Tiny
  • 03-09-2023, 12:12 PM
It has NOW been confirmed that the Shaman's barrister
never had any access to the footage Tucker showed.
Either did the Judge - who has stated that
he did not view it.

We also learned that the Shaman was not offoured bail
- he was deemed "too dangerous" to be let out of jail.
He was portrayed to be the MOST DESTRUCTIVE person
at the Capitol - and yet, we saw him being led-about
by police like he was a visiting dignitary....

And then Tucker surely compared the BLM attack of the
White House and burning of the St. John's Church.
Where MORE police officers were assaulted then
on 6th Jan... Worse police injuries at the Church also.

Tucker didn't say just how many of those who fought
with police that evening and burned the church
were ever sent to jail - or have been labeled
"domestic Terrorists" - surely would like to know that. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Good points Salty. I haven't been following this except for the clip that The Waco Kid posted about the Shaman. It sure sounds like he got a LOT more time than he deserved.

I suspect that yes, the protestors who trespassed into the Capitol building on January 6 will receive disproportionately severe sentences, compared to the BLM protestors who engaged in mayhem. I don't attribute that though to any sort of anti-Trump or pro-Democrat bias. Rather, we have a government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians. And the politicians were mad as hell with the threat to their safety that occurred on January 6. If the tables had been turned and a crowd of Democrats had clashed with police inside the Capitol I'm sure they'd be equally fucked.
Never mind that the Jan 6 rioters disrupted the due process of the constitutional affirmation of the newly elected POTUS. In past times they would likely have been hung.
They didn’t get enough time. And some of them should have been shot in order to prevent the. From ever breaching the capitol. Word on the street, people talking, is that Trump was hoping for a violent response in defense of the capitol so he could declare martial law and remain president. (In order to further defend congress).
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump and Tucker.

This is what the rabid right has brought.

Goodbye GOP
Does tucker fucker lier know how many gop investigations are ongoing? He could at least lie about it

Wtf megas and to 1blackman1 who helps destroy the megas on here. Not that it's hard to do
Good points Salty. I haven't been following this except for the clip that The Waco Kid posted about the Shaman. It sure sounds like he got a LOT more time than he deserved.

I suspect that yes, the protestors who trespassed into the Capitol building on January 6 will receive disproportionately severe sentences, compared to the BLM protestors who engaged in mayhem. I don't attribute that though to any sort of anti-Trump or pro-Democrat bias. Rather, we have a government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians. And the politicians were mad as hell with the threat to their safety that occurred on January 6. If the tables had been turned and a crowd of Democrats had clashed with police inside the Capitol I'm sure they'd be equally fucked. Originally Posted by Tiny
So can you explain to me how shaman’s treatment after the insurrection as they were trying to clear the building makes his actions prior to that any better or non-criminal. Why would he deserve less time because he didn’t resist police when they took the capitol back and made shaman leave the building? I’m not following your logic here.