Mountain of dust bunnies under the covid carpet

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If you need a break from bonking the Looney-Lefties over the head (seriously, is that even possible?), here is some good reading (26 pages). Don't worry, a good few are entirely redacted. Go figure.

For context: We know Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance tried to get the DoD to fund gain of function research in China, but the DoD turned him down (saying it sounded shady, risky and illegal under US law). Undaunted, he eventually weaseled money, i.e. your tax dollars, out of Dr Fauci, for the program in China, who, as you may recall, has maintained that such research is worth the risk of a pandemic.

However, the DoD did do their own fair share of work with China, including involving viruses and what not. They also have their own weasel words to sweep some things under the covid carpet. Smells like a mop up operation and an attempt at washing their hands of the affair.

I mean, what's not to love about a group investigating itself for suspect activities?!? They do admit to some, errr, uhhmmm, miscalculations along the way. Recall, these same folk have a dickens of time tracking down the BILLIONS of dollars allocated their way.

The purpose of this management advisory is to inform Congress and DoD leadership of the results of our review required in response to Public Law 118‑31, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024,” section 252, “Audit to Identify Diversion of Department of Defense Funding to China’s Research Labs.

Section 252 of the FY 2024 NDAA requires that the DoD Inspector General submit a report to the congressional defense committees within 180 days of December 22, 2023. The legislation requires a report on the amount of Federal funds awarded by the DoD, directly or indirectly, through grants, contracts, subgrants, subcontracts, or any other type of agreement or collaboration, to Chinese research labs or to fund research or experiments in China or other foreign countries that could have reasonably resulted in the enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential, from 2014 through 2023. In addition, the legislation specifically named Chinese government entities, affiliates, and one government contractor, as being part of the study...