How easy is it to know who you are?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Ok so most of if not all my posts here are benign. So this is more informative and insightful into this community then my normal " how hot would this be" type thread, or threAd, sorry, no hot naked lady pics today

So how easy is it to find out who someone is, there RW identity?
Just the other day a kid ( I'm assuming) hacked into my PayPal account from NYC and purchased EA video games.
With all the cyber hacking how secure is this site? If PayPal can easaly get hacked!
But really is the information that we share ether willingly or without knowing, is this giving away who we are.

I don't pay much attention as I don't care if my friends know I date hot chicks here. But I'm sure someone if they wanted could find a way to use it agents you so I don't blatantly out myself to the general public, or am I?

Some providers openly out themselves with full clear face pics. Some are more deceptive but do reveal a lot. Are you worried that someone can identify you? Do you care?

Do I share to much and can someone here find out my RW identity, via my posting style and what I reveal about myself in post. I do post on at least three or four RW hobby posting boards. My style is closely the same, benign!

If I were to ask, do you know who I am? Would you PM me? Of course if I have met you you know who I am, but members that I have never met or that lonely hacker that hacks as a hobby, does he know who I am? And can he figure out my identity?

I'm just curious to how easy is it to find someone's identity if you have the skills or just pay attention. Anyways just thought it would be good to know what we do here is some what on track or is there a hairline crack that needs mending before it becomes a catastrophic event.

Hobby on

Texanbychoice's Avatar
Im single and so badly damaged on women and relationships i have no fear who knows i am here. I dont go around advertising it. But if someone were to find out i would be like. "So wtf. Im fucking hot chicks in the ass. Go home to your wife who wont suck your dick / husband who wont eat your pussy." i know. Im that bad on relationships.

Needless to say I am probably not the best guy to ask. But. Unless you are dumb enough to advertise things with specific info...or they just hack the info database. I would thimk your safe enugh. Just dont go around saying "yeahhhh im 30. My bday is today" i can easily figure out your bdate. (And forcthose who might flame me on an old post of mine....i advertised a week span not a day and never disclosed an age). Take that info and you let your real name slip during a visit. Or like a dumbass you say "yah i grew up in HTown." Well now i have your first name, bday, and birthplace. Thats enough to you a pay info public database to narrow you down to a handfull of possibilities. And it can get even more narrow from there the more you talk. You are your own information leak.

Most folks dont realize how much info they truly give away in casual conversation. IJS
Texanbychoice's Avatar
And before i get flamed. Yes. I have skills.
James1588's Avatar
Here's another thread where the title fooled me. "How easy is it to know who you are?" I thought this would be some deep personal philosophical discussion. Once again, I was mistaken!
Here's another thread where the title fooled me. "How easy is it to know who you are?" I thought this would be some deep personal philosophical discussion. Once again, I was mistaken! Originally Posted by James1588
I know, right? I was excited to read how one's journey goes to find himself. But like you, I was mistaken. Now I'm just bored.
I'm kidding….my reply to the original post is "BE DISCREET"