connection with the Asian providers?

what is the connection with the Asian providers that come through Austin? do they all work for the same agency? are they being trafficked? same manager/pimp? just looking at the following providers: AsianTina, NaughtyAnna, angela nicky, AsianSarah, all of their profiles are remarkably similar:

1)they all charge 260/hr besides angela nicky whose rate is 250/hr
2)all claim to be 27
3)all have very similar photoshoots/editing
4)showcases of AsianTina, NaughtyAnna, and AsianSarah are nearly identical in terms of information provided about them
5)similar names/styles of provider names chosen
6)accounts of AsianTina and AsianSarah created within a month of each other this Fall

maybe angela nicky shouldn't be included with the other 3 (and since her account is 4 years old) but i threw her in here anyway because of the same declared age and style of showcase photos. but there are undeniable comparisons with the other 3 that there's no way there isn't some connection here. there could be others, but these are just the recent ones i came across who posted in the "Provider Ads" section.
really? no one has an opinion on this, or cares? what if the thread were titled The Asian Connection? like that movie The French Connection.