Hi Guys and Dolls
Who do you think the Whistleblower is?
Can't figure this one out...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
that's cute, IB.. who knew you had a comedic bone in your body, after slamming Schiff so violently for his own brand of humor?

I think the Whistleblower is someone we don't know by name.. a CIA employee.
themystic's Avatar
1. Kayne West
2. Candace Owens
3. Stormy Daniels
4. Ex CEO, current Moron

All good candidates but the winner is

John Bolton
lustylad's Avatar
you're cute, IB... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yikes! I didn't see that one coming. Here I thought you only had eyes for that Somali bitch.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House


Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, said The Times was right to publish information about the whistle-blower. “The role of the whistle-blower, including his credibility and his place in the government, is essential to understanding one of the most important issues facing the country — whether the president of the United States abused power and whether the White House covered it up.”

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

the NY Times is a leftist media outlet. how do we know? you seem to like this site as a source .. so let's use it shall we??


"He did not listen directly to a July call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine that is at the center of the political firestorm .. "

so who are the people who did hear the call? why use another person as a whistle-blower? could it be that it violates THE LAW to disclose the information? would they not be entitled to protection? we know that they were not in fact covered. So they had to leak it to a third party who presumably is.

“Any decision to report any perceived identifying information of the whistle-blower is deeply concerning and reckless, as it can place the individual in harm’s way,” said Andrew Bakaj, his lead counsel. “The whistle-blower has a right to anonymity.”

who is Andrew Bakaj? why he's a Democrat who worked for Clinton when she was a Senator .. and i'm quite sure he was certain Clinton would win in 2016.


"Former CIA official Andrew Bakaj, who once worked at Hillary Clinton’s office while she was a Senator, is representing the whistle-blower who filed a complaint against President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."

it gets better!!!

"Bakaj was pushed out of the CIA in 2014 after reporting concerns of alleged evidence tampering within the CIA watchdog office to the Intelligence Community Inspector General. The Department of Homeland Security inspector general later cleared Bakaj, claiming that the CIA conducted a “retaliatory investigation” against him for pointing out wrongdoing."

who was President in 2014? one guess it was NOT Trump.

and he's giving a WHITE SUPREMACIST HAND SIGNAL! who knew??

and even better still!!!!

"Bakaj was influential in crafting regulations regarding whistle-blowers while serving in the administration of former President Barack Obama. He has written many blogs about the Trump administration, some of which are neutral in tone while others are more critical of their actions."

some familiar names ....

"He started his career working under influential former Democratic lawmakers. Bakaj served as an intern for the late former Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-NY), then as an intern under Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and then he worked under Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)."

he even has ties to Ukraine ... you can't make this shit up people!

"Curiously, Bakaj also interned at the US Embassy in the Ukraine, showing that he has ties to the country that is under the microscope right now for President Trump’s reported communication with their leader about Joe Biden’s dealings."

this guy is a life long DEMOCRAT who clearly does not like Trump. Now he's the whistle-blowhard's lawyer. Those Dems .. they certainly know how to keep in the family!!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
the NY Times is a leftist media outlet. how do we know? you seem to like this site as a source .. so let's use it shall we??


"He did not listen directly to a July call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine that is at the center of the political firestorm .. "

so who are the people who did hear the call? why use another person as a whistle-blower? could it be that it violates THE LAW to disclose the information? would they not be entitled to protection? we know that they were not in fact covered. So they had to leak it to a third party who presumably is.

“Any decision to report any perceived identifying information of the whistle-blower is deeply concerning and reckless, as it can place the individual in harm’s way,” said Andrew Bakaj, his lead counsel. “The whistle-blower has a right to anonymity.”

who is Andrew Bakaj? why he's a Democrat who worked for Clinton when she was a Senator .. and i'm quite sure he was certain Clinton would win in 2016.


"Former CIA official Andrew Bakaj, who once worked at Hillary Clinton’s office while she was a Senator, is representing the whistle-blower who filed a complaint against President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."

it gets better!!!

"Bakaj was pushed out of the CIA in 2014 after reporting concerns of alleged evidence tampering within the CIA watchdog office to the Intelligence Community Inspector General. The Department of Homeland Security inspector general later cleared Bakaj, claiming that the CIA conducted a “retaliatory investigation” against him for pointing out wrongdoing."

who was President in 2014? one guess it was NOT Trump.

and he's giving a WHITE SUPREMACIST HAND SIGNAL! who knew??

and even better still!!!!

"Bakaj was influential in crafting regulations regarding whistle-blowers while serving in the administration of former President Barack Obama. He has written many blogs about the Trump administration, some of which are neutral in tone while others are more critical of their actions."

some familiar names ....

"He started his career working under influential former Democratic lawmakers. Bakaj served as an intern for the late former Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-NY), then as an intern under Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and then he worked under Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)."

he even has ties to Ukraine ... you can't make this shit up people!

"Curiously, Bakaj also interned at the US Embassy in the Ukraine, showing that he has ties to the country that is under the microscope right now for President Trump’s reported communication with their leader about Joe Biden’s dealings."

this guy is a life long DEMOCRAT who clearly does not like Trump. Now he's the whistle-blowhard's lawyer. Those Dems .. they certainly know how to keep in the family!!

BAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

That's a lot of words just to dismiss the fact that the POTUS is a piece of shit, low life, small time crook. He's admitted to breaking the law. He doesn't care about the country.

If anyone continues to support his efforts, they are unAmerican. Period! (With an exclamation mark?)

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hi Guys and Dolls
Who do you think the Whistleblower is?
Can't figure this one out... Originally Posted by Kristine

More than just a whistle blower whisperer.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

That's a lot of words just to dismiss the fact that the POTUS is a piece of shit, low life, small time crook. He's admitted to breaking the law. He doesn't care about the country.

If anyone continues to support his efforts, they are unAmerican. Period! (With an exclamation mark?)

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Trump didn't admit to breaking anything except your heart when he beat that hag Clinton.

you do know your girly pic is actually an ad for dental pain yeah?

this song sucks .. so it's perfect for you!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump didn't admit to breaking anything except your heart when he beat that hag Clinton.

you do know your girly pic is actually an ad for dental pain yeah?

this song sucks .. so it's perfect for you!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byQIPdHMpjc Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Ignore the truth. I can't help you if you keep your head up your tyrant master's ass.

Or maybe he has his hand up your ass. And you should run for president.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ignore the truth. I can't help you if you keep your head up your tyrant master's ass.

Or maybe he has his hand up your ass. And you should run for president.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

calm yourself poster, you seem .. upset about something. what's your boggle citizen poster?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2019, 11:56 PM
calm yourself poster, you seem .. upset about something. what's your boggle citizen poster? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Another famous whistleblower.