Cars: California vs. Trump

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Trump Revokes California's car emissions standards.

Caliifornia says trump can't do that.

the basis for this is a 1970's federal emissions law that gave california a waiver to have their own stricter emmissions law than that of the federal law.

13 states now follow CA's emissions standards for cars.

the automakers have made agreements with CA on it.

Looks like the automakers are suffering a form of Stockholm syndrome.

what are your thoughts?

should California emission standards be the standard for the rest of the country?

should CA strict standards be revoked making them follow current federal standards?
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2019, 01:55 PM
Give Kalifornia back to Mexico - LA and SF with their shit streets will fit right in.
matchingmole's Avatar
Again, I thought everyone in CA was driving a Tesla. Or using their vast mass transit system. Remember, CA spent $10 billion on a railroad system.

$10B buys over 200K Teslas.