Wow. Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia

berryberry's Avatar
News just out tonight. Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia

A must watch. Apparently confirmed by the far left Atlanta Newspaper who also reviewed the same records
berryberry's Avatar
News just out tonight. Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia

A must watch. Apparently confirmed by the far left Atlanta Newspaper who also reviewed the same records Originally Posted by berryberry
Fox News Bull Shit again. LOL
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fox News Bull Shit again. LOL Originally Posted by bypass
What, specifically, about it is bullshit?
bambino's Avatar
Fox News Bull Shit again. LOL Originally Posted by bypass
Tune into the Arizona audit hearing this morning. It’s not bullshit. Just like voter fraud in Georgia isn’t bullshit:

More from Georgia

Steve Bannon: Georgia’s Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Need to Lawyer Up NOW (Video)

On Tuesday, Garland Favorito, the founder of the election integrity group VoterGA, provided proof that election fraud occurred in the November 2020 election.

Favorito made the announcement at a press conference on Tuesday morning and on the Bannon War Room.

The voter integrity group found that the Fulton County Georgia recount included a 60% error reporting rate.

VoterGA also found THOUSANDS of fraudulent Biden ballots.

Most of the new allegations and evidence was based on a VoterGA data team’s analysis of Fulton’s November 2020 mail-in ballot images made public after petitioners won a court order on April 13th.

On Wednesday morning Garland Favorito joined Steve Bannon to discuss the explosive evidence VoterGA broke on Tuesday. Bannon recommened that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his sidekick Gabe Sterling lawyer up — and soon.

Raffensperger and Sterling have been pushing a fraudulent narrative for months on the Georgia 2020 election.

Now the truth is coming out.

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berryberry's Avatar
Fox News Bull Shit again. LOL Originally Posted by bypass
1. Please show how this is Fox News - be specific

2. Please show how this is Bull Shit - be specific

Or you just just spouting off again your liberal nonsense and lies on something you know nothing about?
1. Please show how this is Fox News - be specific

2. Please show how this is Bull Shit - be specific

Or you just just spouting off again your liberal nonsense and lies on something you know nothing about? Originally Posted by berryberry

"Tucker with the shot heard around the world: Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia. Here is the hard, verified evidence: Tucker is from Fox"

I thought as much as you copy there posts you would know that.
"Or you just just spouting off again your liberal nonsense and lies on something you know nothing about?"

You are right, I know nothing of lying, you would win that award.!
eyecu2's Avatar
I believe the courts. If you got proof, show it. File a case and see what happens. Michigan has already ruled and it didn't fall in the favor of the conservatives w Powell and others forced to pay legal fees, and pending sanctions against all the "big lie" legal team. The attorney general in Nevada and Az are ready to file against them too. Shapiro in PA will definitely do the same thing if they try to make the "audit" something it isn't. I think it's sad to see all the conservatives just not realizing Trump lost. The better question is why?? Why didn't More ppl vote for him?? He's an arrogant asshole who has serious trouble telling the truth. I'm not naive enough to think that all politicians don't lie, but when you lie about blatant and obvious things it's just stupid. And the more we're finding out about Trump and his final months and even then regular motive operation of overcharging people to stay at hotels while he's president, at his direction, at his son's direction, at his daughter's direction, tells you that this family is fully on the grift, and not suitable to be in any public office. Simply because they cannot put the public interest in front of their own. Rant over
I believe the courts. If you got proof, show it. File a case and see what happens. Michigan has already ruled and it didn't fall in the favor of the conservatives w Powell and others forced to pay legal fees, and pending sanctions against all the "big lie" legal team. The attorney general in Nevada and Az are ready to file against them too. Shapiro in PA will definitely do the same thing if they try to make the "audit" something it isn't. I think it's sad to see all the conservatives just not realizing Trump lost. The better question is why?? Why didn't More ppl vote for him?? He's an arrogant asshole who has serious trouble telling the truth. I'm not naive enough to think that all politicians don't lie, but when you lie about blatant and obvious things it's just stupid. And the more we're finding out about Trump and his final months and even then regular motive operation of overcharging people to stay at hotels while he's president, at his direction, at his son's direction, at his daughter's direction, tells you that this family is fully on the grift, and not suitable to be in any public office. Simply because they cannot put the public interest in front of their own. Rant over Originally Posted by eyecu2
I agree. They believe Trump who said years before the election that if he lost is was rigged and that is all they need. They keep holding out waiting for the miracle. Rudy actually lost his license out of it. If you think about it, there are people sending money for them to fight it. It is a win win for Trump. He is laughing all the way to the bank.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I think it's sad to see all the conservatives just not realizing Trump lost. The better question is why?? Why didn't More ppl vote for him??
More than what is the real question? He got millions more votes than he did in 16, several million more than any candidate in history. He won 500% more counties. He won more than 90% of historical bellwether counties. Should we even mention campaign attendance? The only more he didn’t get was of the number of mail in “ballots” they could feed through in the ghetto, which is rather puzzling given that his support amongst blacks and hispanics went up substantially compared to 2016.

It’s almost like, something’s fucky.
berryberry's Avatar

"Tucker with the shot heard around the world: Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia. Here is the hard, verified evidence: Tucker is from Fox"

I thought as much as you copy there posts you would know that. Originally Posted by bypass
LOL - You look more foolish with each post

This had zero to do with Fox News. Tucker Carlson simply reported what was in the news that was uncovered in the preliminary stages of an audit by the independent organization

I even put the news release in this thread. You know, the news that the mainstream media will not report because it is very bad for senile Biden and the cheating Democrats

And it's cute you ran and searched for the DNC cleanup crew on aisle 5 from USAToday to try and discredit this. Did you even read the goddamn story in the link you posted? Either you did and you are showing your lack of reading comprehension or you didn't. Because that USAToday story does not have anything to do with the initial findings released yesterday from
berryberry's Avatar
"Or you just just spouting off again your liberal nonsense and lies on something you know nothing about?"

You are right, I know nothing of lying, you would win that award.! Originally Posted by bypass
And yet I just exposed you for lying yet again. But you are off topic. The topic is "Yes, there was meaningful voter fraud in Georgia"

You falsely claimed this was "FoxNews Bullshit" which is a lie

So I ask you again:

1. Please show how this is Fox News - be specific
2. Please show how this is Bull Shit - be specific
berryberry's Avatar
I believe the courts. If you got proof, show it. File a case and see what happens. . . . The attorney general in Nevada and Az are ready to file against them too. Shapiro in PA will definitely do the same thing if they try to make the "audit" something it isn't. Originally Posted by eyecu2

You do realize it takes time to obtain this proof and to conduct actual audits, don't you? And that they need cooperation from the counties that cheated to gain access to the data. And then a full audit takes time

That is why in Georgia this non-partisan group went to court to gain access to the data. This is why in Arizona, even after the AZ Senate authorized an audit, they still had to go to court to force the Democrats in Maricopa Count to comply (and they still have not fully complied with everything). It has taken this long for these groups to file suits and get access to the data needed to conduct an audit and then to start and conduct an audit

Ask yourself this simple question. If these Democrat counties and had nothing to hide, why have they fought these audits? If they did not commit fraud, why would they not welcome the audits to show that to the American people. I mean what better why to make President Trump look foolish - cooperate with the full audit and say see - you were wrong.

Well you know and I know the reason - as do the majority of Americans who believe there was fraud in the 2020 election. They cheated and do not want their fraud exposed. Well now it has been, in Georgia to a preliminary degree and in Arizona to a larger degree
berryberry; "I even put the news release in this thread. You know, the news that the mainstream media will not report because it is very bad for senile Biden and the cheating Democrats"

Main stream won't post BULLSHIT unproven facts. They have counted the same votes at least 4 times now.

People are now counting votes that know nothing about it. Its not both parties counting votes its one sided. and taking the machines apart. How is that working out? Now they have to buy new machines for them.