Encounter: 88 foot

Date: 6-5
Name: Angela
Address and Phone: -
Address: 75 and Chisholm
Phone: 4697668386
City: Plano
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: Fbms +++
Hair Length and Color: Long black
Age: 40s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Chinese
Physical Description: Skinny pretty not much t or a but over all attractive dressed in short dress
Recommendation: Yes
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So, did you walk-in or make appointment? No one answers the phone when I call or returns text. Tried the walk-in, but always cars parked in front (and yesterday, two sitting in their cars - I presume waiting on their turn).
I am done with that place , never more than one person working and always busy and rushed, they don’t know how to tell someone no, busy

Last time I was there the girl I see/saw kept letting dudes in , very rushed and promised, make it up next time, there won’t be a next time
Same thing with me. I scheduled and texted when I was getting close and arrived a few mins late and was told I was late and "now busy".
Damn shame!
MYQUEST's Avatar
I made two different appointments and had someone else take time slot both times. Angela’s got to get burnt out as busy as she is.
She upped the L1 price too and cuts massage time short. Not really worth it for me either.
We should pull a train, since we all know we ain't going there for the massage. Who's down?
Lol, she probably won’t feel a thing, according to my buddy she’s been balls to the wall busy for at least two years now, at that rate i doubt there is any sensitivity left down there, like throwing a ballpark frank down a hallway
I was there this week during lunch hour, and ofcourse waited in the lobby for a while and then she came and greeted me with "busy right now" come back later...I then decided to visit bless.
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  • AP51
  • 06-15-2024, 01:18 PM
We should pull a train, since we all know we ain't going there for the massage. Who's down? Originally Posted by TruthSayer