Ladies: Have you/would you initiate a teenager?

spice-is-nice's Avatar
Assuming the lad is old enough that it is not statutory rape (17 in Texas) would you or have you been the first for a young man? Is the answer any different if he (or she) is making the arrangements versus his/her dad/mom (perhaps someone you already know) making the arrangements?

Just curious. I don't know about others, but I definitely had the fantasy of being initiated into sex by a kind and knowledgeable and beautiful older woman (which I probably thought was 30 then LOL) when I was in college (did't actually have my first time until 21).
Had two experiences like this. I had a dude, in the hobby, that SAID I was his first. Don't know if it was true or not. On another occasion, in the real world, a younger man that worked at Sears when I bought my TV. He was hot, not a virgin.. starter on his football team in school. But if he had not have been 18, it would've been no go. Don't think I would do it if his parents initiated though. Seems a tad bit weird.
Htowner's Avatar
SAID I was his first. Don't know if it was true or not. . Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Sigh. Welcome to our world.
pyramider's Avatar
What's wrong with paddling like frats use?
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I've initiated at least 1 virgin but he 21 and I was 23 and we were dating. I don't think there is any way I would feel comfortable taking the virginity of anyone under 21 -- especially at my age. That would just seem pretty wrong to me. I think psychologically it would be best for a teenager to be with someone he cared about, or at least someone his own age!

Now, when a guy gets into his mid twenties and still hasn't "done the deed" it can begin to be crippling. He may be afraid of anyone finding out and that can lead to a fear of hitting on girls. At that point, I think it might be therapeutic to go see a provider and realize that it's no big deal. She could even teach him a few things so he'd look like an experienced pro with his next girlfriend.
boardman's Avatar
I've initiated at least 1 virgin but he 21 and I was 23 and we were dating. I don't think there is any way I would feel comfortable taking the virginity of anyone under 21 -- especially at my age. That would just seem pretty wrong to me. I think psychologically it would be best for a teenager to be with someone he cared about, or at least someone his own age!

Now, when a guy gets into his mid twenties and still hasn't "done the deed" it can begin to be crippling. He may be afraid of anyone finding out and that can lead to a fear of hitting on girls. At that point, I think it might be therapeutic to go see a provider and realize that it's no big deal. She could even teach him a few things so he'd look like an experienced pro with his next girlfriend. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Um, Sophia, I have this little fantasy of being initiated. Wanna play along?

years ago, I found out after the fact that he was a virgin. it explained ALOT. when I asked why he hadn't mentioned it... he was afraid I wouldn't go there.... oy.

here's the thing. I prefer someone who has a clue what to do with the various body parts available. If I know someone is a virgin, my expectations are VERY different - cuz all they "know" is from Hustler or Penthouse (Letters). Its not about US having a good time - its an object lesson (so to speak). I have helped out a few guys along the way so that (with a bit of practice), the girls they meet in the future will appreciate that they have a clue what the female form can accomplish given the right.... persuasion.

I have been asked by female friends once or twice if I would initiate a younger male friend/relation to the arts of desire... whether I accepted or not depended on the overall circumstance!!