Venting like J_mack4u lol--NOTHING BAD just VENTING!!

Okay I know there has been some stuff and I get the question a lot about if I have more pictures etc. There was a recent review posted about me and some people and sorry to put it this way but they posted asking about pics etc and stuff to me that should have either been PM'd to me and asked or kept to themselves I guess.

I am SORRY that I dont have more pictures TRUST ME I wish I could HOWEVER please before you go judging get to know the WHOLE STORY.
DUE to PERSONAL REASONS I CANT put up more pictures--I have some personal stuff going on and nothing with LE but I CAN"T put up pictures. My identity and security is my number one priority and Im sorry for those GUYS who can't just go off a couple of pictures or GREAT REVIEWS but I am not going to give up my security and safety for others.
Its just not going to happen and like Naughty Jezzable stated you can see me or NOT. The guys who do see me and have seen me THANKS and I appreciate all of you.

Sorry if you take this the wrong way and I offend some of you but just like you have your own personal life and you keep that to yourself I have the same--however at this time in my life I have a lot to lose and I am not losing that over pictures. So to get my name out there I post my ads weekly and send PM's but dont worry this wont happen anymore as I think I have offended some people.

I had to vent because it actually really hurt my feelings--I was excited about someone writing a review because he is a nice guy and then I read below and got VERY disappointed and hurt
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Its ok to vent.........................a nd there is no need to apologize. All of us have a personal life that we keep separate from our hobbing life. All of us want to protect that, so again you have nothing to apologize for. Those of us who have seen you & posted reviews that speaks volumes about you, your talents, and appearance. And also the big heart you have for our service men and women.
Thats all anyone needs to know about you.......anything more than they can ask you themselves and/or make an appointment.

Thats my two cents.
sorry hun the comments on the review mae you feel that way.
i dont have a ton of pix myself, and for me--its hard to get pix taken. odd to ask friends take naughty pix of me, and isnt feasible for me to get a photographer.

stay true 2 yourself. everything else will fall into place!
swwaustin's Avatar
I received a PM, and I certainly wasn't offended. Maybe, it bothers some guys, I'm not sure why, but if it does all they need to do is ask you to stop, and I am sure you would comply. If I was in town I would be scheduling right now, I am past due a return visit. As far as pics go, you have all the right to limit what you put out there, so don't feel pressured to change what you have been doing. If guys don't want to see you because of a lack of pics, that's too bad, all I know is that I was pleasantly surprised when I met with you.
Thank you! I had someone PM me with a good thought--If I asked the hobbiest to provide pictures for me I am SURE I would NEVER hear the end of it. I ask for the basics for my safety and security. Those of you who know me and see me on a regular basis I want to thank you and those of you who have PM'd with some GREAT WORDS and INSIGHTS THANKS!!
There are some good guys out here and I am grateful for them.
I'm right there with you Sara. Most people don't understand how small of a community SA is. If you were born and raised here or lived here for a number of years, and worked within the's very risky posting pictures.

For someone like myself...I have very identifying features (all over) that I cannot risk having pictures posted of me. And yes, I get told a lot about how I should post more pictures, but like you...I have to look out for my security first.

I feel very fortunate to have done well regardless of not having a website...thanks to all the gents who took a chance to meet me without seeing pictures first...Mwah!
i also got your didnt offend me....i was glad you sent it....althought i havent seen of just made me want to see you even more....and i plan to when i can get time.
landman40's Avatar
I didnt get a PM and I am offended......just kidding. maybe I'll make the cut next time..dont get feelings hurt, I've seen nothing but excellant reviews of you and hope to meet someday soon.
Willen's Avatar
Security first, and always. I know there is asegment of our communuty that really values pictures. While I can understand that, your case shows us that sometimes it just isn't wise to post them. But good reviews from established voices here can offset the lack of pictures. It's cool that you went public with this (and for what it's worth, it bumped you up on my 'goota get 'round to her' list.
j_mack4u's Avatar
I hope you're feeling a little better Sara ;-) Although I'm a very visual person I felt you had enough posted to schedule a visit with you and I'm glad I did. I can vouche for you by saying that you are a beautiful young lady and I can't imagine anyone being dissapointed with the way you look. Don't let anyone talk you into doing something you're not comfortable with! Big hugs and kisses ;-)
rgvpapi's Avatar
I'm right there with you Sara. Most people don't understand how small of a community SA is. If you were born and raised here or lived here for a number of years, and worked within the's very risky posting pictures.

For someone like myself...I have very identifying features (all over) that I cannot risk having pictures posted of me. And yes, I get told a lot about how I should post more pictures, but like you...I have to look out for my security first.

I feel very fortunate to have done well regardless of not having a website...thanks to all the gents who took a chance to meet me without seeing pictures first...Mwah! Originally Posted by Likinikki
I'm so glad I did....I only wish I could make it to SA more often, sweetie...
Me too Papi!!
darter's Avatar
Sara, you have to do your security however you see fit. I to cannot understand why anyone would be upset by getting a PM from anyone, much less someone as great as you!

You can contact me anytime you want be it by PM, phone, text or smoke signal ( :
@ Darter I just sent off a smoke signal for you! ITs PLAY TIME hahaha CUM find ME

I REALLY wish I could just tell everyone what and why I can't post more stuff but here's an example not the same case but imagine that if you put to much out there you would LOSE EVERYTHING and I am not talking about material stuff thats just substantial things that make us happy for a time I mean YOUR FAMILY--kids, parents, and more. Sometimes its not WISE to put to much of yourself out there and draw attention and thats the case in my situation! I love the GENTS i see and I have never had a problem they have always BEEN SWEET!!
golfnwine's Avatar
I have and the pleasure of you company and have no issues with your abilities or qualities.
I think I want you right now.