Pet Peeve

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-11-2014, 03:14 PM
And I would like to hear other opinions on this, I really would.

I have more than a couple of real world friends (women) who have chosen to never be a birthing canal. Their choice, I support them...

However, this is MOTHERS DAY...not I HAVE A DOG OR CAT DAY.

A few of them openly discuss how they are "Moms". I shy away from those conversations cause I have kids. I have seen Moms in action. I have been in delivery rooms, gone through La Maze classes, rubbed aching backs, helped nurse back to health after difficult deliveries. I have watched a Mom (my own) lose a child early in life (my brother) and what it did to her. I have watched some of these women I discuss mourn over a lost pet for a couple months, and replace it with a puppy and not much further thought about the original "pet child"...

I find it offensive that someone with a Dog tries to grab some spotlight on what is a celebration holiday for Moms.

Agree? Disagree? Your thoughts if any?
fun2come's Avatar
Why not bark it off....
.... oh that's what you are doing ...
I believe the world is full of all kinds of mommas.....

There are the Moms that gave birth to us.
There are Grandmoms who step in when our moms need a break.
There are Great Grandmoms who spoil us rotten and make us feel very special.
There are Aunt-Moms that watch over all of the cousins when even our Great Grandmom's need a break.
There are Great Aunt-Moms who take over when our beloved Great Grandmothers pass on, and try to fill that void left by such an extraordinary Lady.
There are Sister-Moms who step in when our birth moms are not able to care for the brothers and sisters, assuming that roll.
There are Fathers who are Father-Moms due to a death/divorce/disability who never gave birth to the child, but are very much a mom, and assume that traditional roll.
There are Fathers who are married to other Fathers, who assume a mom roll who never gave birth to a child, but who love their children, and are another kind of Father-Mom.
Little girls and some little boys all over the world pretentious they are the mothers of their dolls or imaginary children.
There are pups who are raised by human mommas, because there is space in the human mommas heart to love and nurture them. Maybe they've had their children, maybe she can't have a child, being a nurturing loving momma to those pups fills a void, for both of them.
There are pups who raise chickens, horses who raise zebras, elephants who raise rhinos, and human moms, momma/fathers, momma/mommas, who raise them all.

I'm a woman with very strong maternal instincts. Probably why I'm so good at taking care of my clients and those I love in my life. However, have zero desire to have a child. I'd rather have puppies! My love for what I consider my own brood, doesn't diminish anyone else's love for their brood. Human or animal.

I could never presume to tell someone how to define themselves or the kinds of love and affection given. That, in my estimation, they have no right to call themselves a mom, because the being they choose to shower with affection is not of their same species. That would be a judgement or limitation set on them. It's none of my business how or who they choose to care for.

Websters has many definitions of mother, one being " maternal tenderness or affection" another "to protect". Very simple and very true. Simple care' protection and tenderness for another being. Doesn't matter if it's a human being or a little person with fur. Just simple tenderness and affection. We could all use much much more Love'n!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-11-2014, 04:05 PM
I believe the world is full of all kinds of mommas.....

There are the Moms that gave birth to us.
There are Grandmoms who step in when our moms need a break.
There are Great Grandmoms who spoil us rotten and make us feel very special.
There are Aunt-Moms that watch over all of the cousins when even our Great Grandmom's need a break.
There are Great Aunt-Moms who take over when our beloved Great Grandmothers pass on, and try to fill that void left by such an extraordinary Lady.
There are Sister-Moms who step in when our birth moms are not able to care for the brothers and sisters, assuming that roll.
There are Fathers who are Father-Moms due to a death/divorce/disability who never gave birth to the child, but are very much a mom, and assume that traditional roll.
There are Fathers who are married to other Fathers, who assume a mom roll who never gave birth to a child, but who love their children, and are another kind of Father-Mom.
Little girls and some little boys all over the world pretentious they are the mothers of their dolls or imaginary children.
There are pups who are raised by human mommas, because there is space in the human mommas heart to love and nurture them. Maybe they've had their children, maybe she can't have a child, being a nurturing loving momma to those pups fills a void, for both of them.
There are pups who raise chickens, horses who raise zebras, elephants who raise rhinos, and human moms, momma/fathers, momma/mommas, who raise them all.

I'm a woman with very strong maternal instincts. Probably why I'm so good at taking care of my clients and those I love in my life. However, have zero desire to have a child. I'd rather have puppies! My love for what I consider my own brood, doesn't diminish anyone else's love for their brood. Human or animal.

I could never presume to tell someone how to define themselves or the kinds of love and affection given. That, in my estimation, they have no right to call themselves a mom, because the being they choose to shower with affection is not of their same species. That would be a judgement or limitation set on them. It's none of my business how or who they choose to care for.

Websters has many definitions of mother, one being " maternal tenderness or affection" another "to protect". Very simple and very true. Simple care' protection and tenderness for another being. Doesn't matter if it's a human being or a little person with fur. Just simple tenderness and affection. We could all use much much more Love'n!
Originally Posted by Mia Christine
Thanks Mia! That's a beautiful, cover all bases, PC response... It was nice to read & I agree with some of the points!!

Means we all have to buy a shit ton of MD cards next year to make sure everyone is included.

With my friends that claim to be parents because they own a pet, I never hear from my friends who actually HAVE "human" children saying they are double parents of Dogs or Cats as well... That seemed to be a definer as well.
Thanks Mia! That's a beautiful, cover all bases, PC response... It was nice to read & I agree with some of the points!!

Means we all have to buy a shit ton of MD cards next year to make sure everyone is included.

Maybe you just want your own MD card! Don't you know, the gift of Toyz is all any mother could need?

With my friends that claim to be parents because they own a pet, I never hear from my friends who actually HAVE "human" children saying they are double parents of Dogs or Cats as well... That seemed to be a definer as well. Originally Posted by Toyz
I would suspect that your friends with children and animals just view themselves as parents, period. That would most likely include their own children, pets, her husband , and every child in the neighborhood at one point or another. It's just Love, Care, Protection, and Affection.
John_Dough's Avatar
what about those that can't have kids, and have chosen to let that be some form of solace and comfort for them ??
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-11-2014, 04:35 PM
what about those that can't have kids, and have chosen to let that be some form of solace and comfort for them ?? Originally Posted by John_Dough
That's exactly it JD.

I'm not saying they are bad people!!...some of them are my BEST friends in the world. One I just exchanged texts with 'cause she was trying to make a recipe I made for her once & needed some help with it. One was there for me when I lost someone very close to me & helped get me through it.

These are NOT sad lonely people. Three that I am speaking of (mostly) are successful in business, very attractive (one was a former cheerleader in college, another was the class president of her prestigious university-all three have natural D cups or better & date pretty much anyone they want). Am just setting the table here as I get the feeling some people will envision this image of sad, lonely people with genetic defects who need to be felt sorry for. That's not the case...they each have made a conscious decision to not have kids. Its not a physical thing, its a choice.

My single issue is that they consider owning a pet = having a child. And they want to be considered "parents" on this day. I think that's disrespectful to real Mothers. I just differ in opinion is all. Its just a conversation, not a mission.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-11-2014, 04:41 PM
I would suspect that your friends with children and animals just view themselves as parents, period. That would most likely include their own children, pets, her husband , and every child in the neighborhood at one point or another. It's just Love, Care, Protection, and Affection. Originally Posted by Mia Christine
THATS IT!!! I had no idea!! Thanks for helping me find the truth...

Why can't I have a Mothers Day Card?

(Oh yea, cause I ain't a Mother)

THATS IT!!! I had no idea!! Thanks for helping me find the truth...

Why can't I have a Mothers Day Card?

(Oh yea, cause I ain't a Mother)

Originally Posted by Toyz
On "Steak and Titties Day", I'll make sure you have a card.

Baby, you would be a Mother F***** and are loved just the way you are!
Still Looking's Avatar
what about those that can't have kids, and have chosen to let that be some form of solace and comfort for them ?? Originally Posted by John_Dough
Excellent Point!
Bob McV's Avatar
I generally don't celebrate holidays. I find the act too contrived most of the time. My mom knows I love and care for her, she doesn't need or want a greeting card on a random spring Sunday (and my dad can go fuck himself with Bonn's dick)

That said if the spirt of mother's day it to celebrate the women that love and care for others is there really room for splitting hairs?

Your example of an "animal mother" does that extend to a mother that adopted a human as well? They didn't give birth to that one either. And do they lose mother's day rights if the child they adopted dies and the fill that void with another child?

I was an animal trainer earlier in my life (think dog whisperer with a texas draw) and I dealt a LOT with doggie moms, and in general they fucking annoyed me to the point I sought a different career. so I get your distain for the archetype, however that said everyone (especially me) wants to be a special and unique flower. So if giving themselves a card with their west highland terrier's paw print on it makes them feel special today more power to them.

Tomorrow I'll go back to calling them anthropomorphic dumbasses that should be treating dogs like animals and not humans. Today I'll smile and nod at the cute card their "fur baby" " gave" them and hold back the snide comment of if your dog really loved you he would be bringing you dead rats and birds, and pee on the door frame to ward off other predators. Years ago my mastiff brought me a fawn, now that is some serious love (and some good eatin)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-11-2014, 08:22 PM
I generally don't celebrate holidays. I find the act too contrived most of the time. My mom knows I love and care for her, she doesn't need or want a greeting card on a random spring Sunday (and my dad can go fuck himself with Bonn's dick)

That said if the spirt of mother's day it to celebrate the women that love and care for others is there really room for splitting hairs?

Your example of an "animal mother" does that extend to a mother that adopted a human as well? They didn't give birth to that one either. And do they lose mother's day rights if the child they adopted dies and the fill that void with another child?

I was an animal trainer earlier in my life (think dog whisperer with a texas draw) and I dealt a LOT with doggie moms, and in general they fucking annoyed me to the point I sought a different career. so I get your distain for the archetype, however that said everyone (especially me) wants to be a special and unique flower. So if giving themselves a card with their west highland terrier's paw print on it makes them feel special today more power to them.

Tomorrow I'll go back to calling them anthropomorphic dumbasses that should be treating dogs like animals and not humans. Today I'll smile and nod at the cute card their "fur baby" " gave" them and hold back the snide comment of if your dog really loved you he would be bringing you dead rats and birds, and pee on the door frame to ward off other predators. Years ago my mastiff brought me a fawn, now that is some serious love (and some good eatin) Originally Posted by Bob McV

Let me simplify this for everyone interested.

Do you think a dog owner is equal to a birth Mother and should expect everyone else to believe that way?

Don't spin it into something its not, that's the question...fear not, I have no intentions of calling my fur mommy friends and saying "AHA! Both my hoogar & john friends think you are as nutty as I do".
It isn't as simple as you make it out to be. In one sentence you accuse "pet parents" of expecting you to believe as they do yet in the same breath you make it clear that you feel they should believe as you do. Those who don't are nutty as you put it. In other words you're upset about "Pet owners" being as opinionated as you are are on the topic.

Considering I was raised in a fortunate foster care situation and have no kids my perspective of the holiday is more about the parental role rather than of any biological process.

I have outlived many pets in my life and have always perceived my role as more of a parental protector role than that of an "Owner".

I am one of those weird folk that believes no living being has the right to "Own" another so therefore pet owner is not how I've ever defined myself.

I have been privileged to live with pets and have always viewed them as children to watch over.

A parental guardian of a child doesn't own the child although she certainly is responsible for and holds legal rights as custodian/parent.

If only "real" children provided the same unconditional love throughout their lives as dogs do.

Use of the holiday by pet parents, foster parents or nurturing neighbors who cared more for a child than his or her own parents doesn't bother me one bit.

If Mother's day was reserved only for birthing parents then I believe that in itself would make the holiday a farce.

It's the caring and raising that defines the parent not the ability to pop out kids.

Are pet parents and biological human child parents equal? The term equal doesn't apply. They are definitely not the same.

That being said I would be quicker to jump onto the highway to save a human child than I would a stray dog.
Bob McV's Avatar
Let me simplify this for everyone interested.

Do you think a dog owner is equal to a birth Mother and should expect everyone else to believe that way? Originally Posted by Toyz
No, but if they feel that way I am inclined to respect their wishes, or at least be polite about it and not call them nutter.

Don't spin it into something its not, that's the question...fear not, I have no intentions of calling my fur mommy friends and saying "AHA! Both my hoogar & john friends think you are as nutty as I do". Originally Posted by Toyz
Wasn't trying to spin it any direction. just trying to offer a possibly new perspective. I don't think an anthropomorphic relationship with a pet is a cause for nutter classification, but it is surly an indicator of such.
That being said I would be quicker to jump onto the highway to save a human child than I would a stray dog. Originally Posted by Listener
Me and my tender heart would jump onto the highway for both. Without a thought. Hold them until we both stop crying and shaking.... Give over the child, take the pup for the night. Then maybe stop and get both of us a cone on the way home.... 🍦 Pups like vanilla....