
winn dixie's Avatar
Barrett is now on the Supreme Court!

Another win for Trump!
winn dixie's Avatar
Its been a great day. Cooler weather and now the confirmation !
Just seating a Justice doesn't mean anything. Will have to see in the future how she operates. Just recently a Republican court ruled against something Trump wanted and that was funny as fuck. The court he partially built just fucked him royally. Biden can expand the court to 11 and there may not be anything anyone can do about it and that will be fucking hilarious. Can't wait to see McConnel's turtle head after that one. It will be like all liberals fucking him in the ass at once.

I wasn't against Barrett all, she seemed fine and Trump was within his rights to sit this justice. However Republicunts showed America that whatever they say has no weight. Most are spineless pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about the future of America.
.....However Republicunts showed America that whatever they say has no weight. Most are spineless pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about the future of America. Originally Posted by royamcr
Sounds like he is talking about you trixie
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Barrett was a foregone conclusion.

The only thing people need to realize about conservative justices, is that they will only interpret existing law.
They will either make the dancing lawyer jokers explain which law applies, agree with one of the lawyers, or not. They will not allow ridiculous interpretations. They may toss an unconstitutional law, but they will not rewrite law.
The concept of ridiculous interpretations of law is a Dim concoction.
matchingmole's Avatar
And Markets Are Starting To Crater...
Just seating a Justice doesn't mean anything. Will have to see in the future how she operates. Just recently a Republican court ruled against something Trump wanted and that was funny as fuck. The court he partially built just fucked him royally. Biden can expand the court to 11 and there may not be anything anyone can do about it and that will be fucking hilarious. Can't wait to see McConnel's turtle head after that one. It will be like all liberals fucking him in the ass at once.

I wasn't against Barrett all, she seemed fine and Trump was within his rights to sit this justice. However Republicunts showed America that whatever they say has no weight. Most are spineless pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about the future of America. Originally Posted by royamcr
You are correct. The people spoke, back in November 2016. They elected President Donald Trump to serve four full years as President and carry out the Constitutional Duties that he has sworn to uphold.
You are correct. The people spoke, back in November 2016. They elected President Donald Trump to serve four full years as President and carry out the Constitutional Duties that he has sworn to uphold. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What a pos response.

The people are about to speak again. And your douche bag in chief will soon be out of a job and behind bars. A big part of this will be because of his failure to uphold and carry out his Constitutional Duties that he was sworn to uphold.

Are you freaking kidding me? Jesus Christ.
HedonistForever's Avatar
What a pos response.

The people are about to speak again. And your douche bag in chief will soon be out of a job and behind bars. A big part of this will be because of his failure to uphold and carry out his Constitutional Duties that he was sworn to uphold.

Are you freaking kidding me? Jesus Christ. Originally Posted by Jam3768

Care to expand on your thesis? Can you give us 3 examples of "Constitutonal duties" he did not uphold?

New rule. If you are going to make comments like this, explain your reasoning or STFU.
Just seating a Justice doesn't mean anything. Will have to see in the future how she operates. Just recently a Republican court ruled against something Trump wanted and that was funny as fuck. The court he partially built just fucked him royally. Biden can expand the court to 11 and there may not be anything anyone can do about it and that will be fucking hilarious. Can't wait to see McConnel's turtle head after that one. It will be like all liberals fucking him in the ass at once.

I wasn't against Barrett all, she seemed fine and Trump was within his rights to sit this justice. However Republicunts showed America that whatever they say has no weight. Most are spineless pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about the future of America. Originally Posted by royamcr
I think Republicans care about the future of the country. They aren't the ones proposing ridiculous shit like the "Green New Deal", Packing the Supreme Court with Liberal Judges, Raising Taxes, Banning Fracking and no feasible plan of what to replace it with and a host of other shit that will only stifle the Country's progress in the future
A BIG FU to you Democrats! Go fuck yourselves.
winn dixie's Avatar
Barrett gave a short but powerful speech!

All judges should have her spirit!

What a wonderful person. Great pick President Trump. Out of the three great Justices Trump has nominated. IMO Barrett will be the best! Good Luck to her!

And Markets Are Starting To Crater... Originally Posted by matchingmole
You'll still going to get your food stamps and welfare check...the supreme court appointment has nothing to do with the market trends.
I don't expect a chronic pic poster to understand that
You'll still going to get your food stamps and welfare check...the supreme court appointment has nothing to do with the market trends.
I don't expect a chronic pic poster to understand that Originally Posted by bb1961
Don't worry about that dummy he has the IQ of a Grapefruit.