Giant hornets kill 41 in 3 months in China...

Holy shit. They are the size of your thumb. Their venom is so toxic it dissolves holes in the skin around the stings.

I wonder how long it will be before some asshole brings them to this country and lets them loose - the same way Asian carp got loose in our lakes and rivers.
JCM800's Avatar
if that happens you know they'll blame the liberals.
This belongs in the Sandbox forum..your post has nothing to do with attention yo the forum rules Crybaby,

But if the Political Forum is now wide open to all topics count me in.....

Mod, please move this thread, or let us know if non political topics are now acceptable.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
FUck you, bloviator!

Your dozens of posts belong on another blog.
This belongs in the Sandbox forum..your post has nothing to do with attention yo the forum rules Crybaby,

But if the Political Forum is now wide open to all topics count me in.....

Mod, please move this thread, or let us know if non political topics are now acceptable. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Blow me, asshole.

We know that you think "political" is synonymous with "Obama bashing" and fill the forum with redundant threads accordingly, but you don't get to define what is and is not political.

There are threads in here about police brutality, "Islam, the religion of peace", Chinese companies buying American companies, Wall Street pay, Corey Booker's stripper flirtation, "Let's celebrate all things Jewish", "This is what gays are missing", software algorithms, the contributions of immigrants, and for-profit prisons.

And you didn't make a peep about ANY of them. You're just stalking me, homo.

Just about any topic that touches on society, the environment, the economy, and the American people can be considered political. We already have significant problems with non-native species (pythons, Asian carp) causing ecological damage in this county. I just pointed out the hazards of another.

That's certainly AT LEAST as political as this thread:,


Do I need to remind you who posted that one? Here is a hint - note the use of ALLCAPS in the title. That's your signature, asshole.

Here is another one of your climate threads in the Political Forum:

Not to mention Cable TV Bundling:

George Zimmerman:

Rachel Jenteal:

Media non-coverage of the Battle of Gettysburg commemorations:

Polls about stealing avatars:

And who could forget the thread "MISS Bentley" filled with cheesecake photos of car show models:

And you actually tried to make it a "political" thread by pretending to wonder who each model voted for.

If that's the case, then I am pretending to wonder whether or not the hornet sting victims support the communist regime in China.

Get the point, dick breath?
Hope no one imports any of them.
lostincypress's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar
well we're all doomed now

Wonder if they still make Magnolia spray that stuff was deadly .
NiceGuy53's Avatar
if that happens you know they'll blame the liberals. Originally Posted by JCM800

No you libturds will blame Bush.
No you libturds will blame Bush. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

You dipshits will blame Clinton.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
You dipshits will blame Clinton. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

LMAO! Clinton is ancient history you numbnut.