Hot Crazy Matrix - A Man's Guide to Women

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I got a big kick out of this. I have been playing in the Danger Zone TOO LONG!
This was too funny! I sent it to my Mom the other day
pyramider's Avatar
All women fall into the Danger Zone. There is bat shit crazy in all women, its just a matter of how they contain/release it.
Cpalmson's Avatar
All women fall into the Danger Zone. There is bat shit crazy in all women, its just a matter of how they contain/release it. Originally Posted by pyramider
He kinda mentioned that in the video. Girls can move from zone to zone. You just need a reliable cluster of data points to determine how likely the girl is going to go bat shit crazy. If it is less than 15% of the time, that is what I call "acceptable risk"-- especially if she is an 8 or hotter. One good point to also remember-- don't go to the "Tranny Zone"
Here's a chart for the ladies. The relationship between how committed a man is to you and how much they get on your nerves is illustrated below.

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Notice the more a man wants to commit to you and make you his one and only the needier and more annoying they get. I think this is why my hobby dates are MUCH better than my RW dates.
Still Looking's Avatar
Here's a chart for the ladies. The relationship between how committed a man is to you and how much they get on your nerves is illustrated below.

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Notice the more a man wants to commit to you and make you his one and only the needier and more annoying they get. I think this is why my hobby dates are MUCH better than my RW dates. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Nice Try!