Kansas State Wildcats vs KU bbq'd Parrots

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Cats favored by 1.5 over the Jayhawks.

Any thoughts before I close a couple bets for bartabs?
got my $ on KU bro
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm Cat's for a few reasons.

Diarra is quite impressive.
Well 1 thing for sure, 1 of us will have some extra $ to spend this weekend
At Bramlage, won't be surprised if it's going to be K-State, but.... Rock Chalk!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Can I pick the Drinking Establishment
Rock Chalk, chicken hawk, FUCK KU.

Take the points. KU never covers spread, EVER. And my bankroll knows this.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Can I pick the Drinking Establishment Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
I can bet for a doubles bartab, I know you also want the Cats.
And yes you can pick. Don't you always?
Rock Chalk, chicken hawk, FUCK KU.

Take the points. KU never covers spread, EVER. And my bankroll knows this. Originally Posted by bilbobaggin
I dont think KU cares about the spread...just wins
I dont think KU cares about the spread...just wins Originally Posted by BigDeal
Exactly. thus they are known as a gamblers curse.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

I had a nice run through the football playoffs though.
Take the points. KU never covers spread, EVER. Originally Posted by bilbobaggin
Oops..... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Yup. I'm not a good gambler.
@rlo726's Avatar
When a mediocre football program always beats up on a horrific one...

Rock Chalk!
Wow, I thought the Cats would have eaten those little birdies. Wasn't even close.