Olympics opening ceremony

Anybody watch it? What did you think?
so nobody watched it? I thought it was amazing. Proud to be British.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
yea, I flip back and forth during the Rangers game, I was not impressed

thought I saw bho in the Kenya delegation going for the gold in "wrecking a nation"
You are so provincial. Who the fuck are the Rangers?

Aha it appears the Rangers are a group of wannabes who are unfit slobs who wear pyjamas and play a girl's game called rounders which nobody else in the rest of the world gives a fuck about.

Whereas the Olympics are the greatest games, bringing unity and friendship throughout the world.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You are so provincial. Who the fuck are the Rangers?

Aha it appears the Rangers are a group of wannabes who are unfit slobs who wear pyjamas and play a girl's game called rounders which nobody else in the rest of the world gives a fuck about.

Whereas the Olympics are the greatest games, bringing unity and friendship throughout the world. Originally Posted by essence
they have been in the World Series the last 2 years
they have been in the World Series the last 2 years Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No they haven;t , they have been in a minor North American league. Nobody in the 'world' gives a fuck.

Sheesh, when will y'all realise you are not the centre of the universe? Give yourselves fancy titles which are a scamming lie?

Let me try to help you. The Olympics is a world event. American football and american baseball are American events.

joe bloe's Avatar
I caught the last twenty minutes or so. I thought it was great. I loved the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon with the amazing fireworks; it was a perfect combination. Paul McCartney doing Hey Jude was great, sort the best of English pop culture. I thought McCartney had throat trouble at first. The commentators said he was emotionally choked up. I can't blame him.

I'm glad I didn't watch the all of ceremony. I just read that a lot of it was a celebration of socialized medicine and trade unions. If I'd seen that, I would have turned it off. That sort of political content is completely innapropriate for the Olympics.
Joe, thanks for ignoring my baseball BS!

Yes, is Tyson Grey ready? Who are the new sexiest lady athletes from the US? Michael Johnson is a commentator for the BBC and does a great job.

I am in Houston, just bought SatelliteDirect, and bought a new TV (32 inch from Best buy for $249) and got it all hooked up just in time for the start. Hook into BBC, no adverts.

I got two tickets for athletics on 6 august, should be back in London, but to be honest I would be happy if my two boys used the tickets. Once in lifetime experience.

Back in 1972 I attended Munich and watched every single athletics event.

I'm back in serious training for my own special 10k event. Surrey championships.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
A hell of a good opening ceremony. I liked the Queen's and James Bond sequence, an excellent example of particularly British humor . I thought "Hero's" by David Bowie a great choice for the U.K. team.

I ignore most sports but I always make a point of catching the Olympics, especially the opening ceremony with all the athletes representing all the countries of the world. This reminds me of the scene in "Contact" where the alien tells the astronaut how you Earthlings are capable of such nobility and beauty but also capable of destroying your planet with your violence and greed. During the Olympics in ancient Greece, all the city states would stop their conflicts to attend the games.

Another hmorous fact: the Olympic village with 10,000 of the most elite athletes in the world are in close proximity and there is nearly always an emergency shipment of condoms to the Olympic village. It is my understanding that condoms are used by the truck load during the games.

Wish I was there.

joe bloe's Avatar
A hell of a good opening ceremony. I liked the Queen's and James Bond sequence, an excellent example of particularly British humor . I thought "Hero's" by David Bowie a great choice for the U.K. team.

I ignore most sports but I always make a point of catching the Olympics, especially the opening ceremony with all the athletes representing all the countries of the world. This reminds me of the scene in "Contact" where the alien tells the astronaut how you Earthlings are capable of such nobility and beauty but also capable of destroying your planet with your violence and greed. During the Olympics in ancient Greece, all the city states would stop their conflicts to attend the games.

Another hmorous fact: the Olympic village with 10,000 of the most elite athletes in the world are in close proximity and there is nearly always an emergency shipment of condoms to the Olympic village. It is my understanding that condoms are used by the truck load during the games.

Wish I was there.

Cheers Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
I heard they passed out 150,000 free condoms. I hope they have enough energy left to compete.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Anybody watch it? What did you think? Originally Posted by essence
I'm not much for pageantry; however, never considered Pink Floyd being featured in the mix -- they're great. I'll watch some of the events, but tonight I watched a Tim Roth movie, "To Kill A King", that featured other long-haired Englishmen in a different kind of contest: fascinating story.
pyramider's Avatar
I tuned in long enough to see some old geezer from the beatles try to get the crowd to sing Hey Jude. Singing the song was what the old fart was paid to do, right?
joe bloe's Avatar
I tuned in long enough to see some old geezer from the beatles try to get the crowd to sing Hey Jude. Singing the song was what the old fart was paid to do, right? Originally Posted by pyramider

How sad to call Paul McCartney "some old geezer." Paul McCartney is a musical genius and was in the greatest rock band in history. If you don't appreciate his music, it's your loss.

There's a reason he was chosen to close the ceremony. They could have had any musician in the world, and they chose McCartney.
@Joe, didn't your lovely First Lady look gorgeous!
joe bloe's Avatar
@Joe, didn't your lovely First Lady look gorgeous! Originally Posted by essence