I just wanted to say thank you.

I read want people have to say about me on this site. I follow my reviews and keep up with the comments in them (what I can see of that, who knows how much you guys are Really talking).
This is Not a complaint thread. (In all seriousness, I not trying to flame anyone here or start any drama) I know there are a lot of people out there who don't like tattoos, or don't dig my overall look. I try to keep logical, understand that people are going to think what they think, and you can't please them all :-) But sometimes my feelings do get a little hurt.
I just wanted to say thank you to all the nice guys that came in later and said positive things about me. I really appreciate the love and you made me feel much better.
Thank you
Dorian Gray's Avatar
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-16-2013, 06:40 AM
You know I love ya', baby. Tats and all. :-)
@ Rosemary, your body art from what I have seen of it from photos is more like paintings. Not the trashy stuff we see on some who post ads on BP.

One of these days I need to schedule a session with you
Baby...you are a beautiful and candid walking piece of art on the inside and out. Everything about you makes me smile. We are on a SHMB so we all have to understand that this is a place where women are generally objectified, and its patrons tend to think with their little heads more than their big ones. That's okay because, this is the place for that. Fortunately, you and I, and many on here know that once ROSEMARY walks into a room and stuns them with her amazing personality, they put the pieces together, and ALWAYS come back for more. Your inside and outside match perfectly and are both profoundly beautiful. Your skin is beautiful and the ones who can't see that are constantly on a quest for more and are rarely truly satisfied. It's those who go beyond skin-deep who find fulfillment here. How many regulars have you made over the years? How many gentlemen friends have you made that would give you the shirt off their back just to see you smile? That is the true measure of your beauty and success. I've gotten to know many ladies in this business, and can honestly say that you have lapped most of them in the strength of relationship you have created with those who have been blessed by your company. I admire you and envy you for being you, in any situation and circumstance. You are always YOU...ROSEMARY/real name, are interchangeable persons. YOU do YOU...it's working for you and your amazing and genuine clients (yes, I've met many, and they BEAM when you come up). You are a hobby staple for them. And even more, they see you as a friend and wish the best for you in and out of the hobby. This is evident as they contact you regularly just to say hi and shoot the breeze...All my love to you my dear friend and sexy playmate.

Hugs, kisses, and licks...


PS...Spirit13, schedule with her NOW...no really...do it
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Rosemary though you may not be my type I have met you and you are one of the nicest chicks I've met.

You give words here way too much power.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Rosemary though you may not be my type I have met you and you are one of the nicest chicks I've met.

You give words here way too much power. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
EA me thincks you forgot....WALDT.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
How did I forget it. They are more than welcome to their opinion and my advice to her is not to let thos opinions affect her feelings.
Everyone has different tastes of course, but I love your tattoos and your look(s) are amazing! It's always fun to check your new pictures out to see what new, wild, awesome idea you are giving a try.
Sarunga's Avatar
You give words here way too much power. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
This is a Golden Nugget.
Rosemary though you may not be my type I have met you and you are one of the nicest chicks I've met.

You give words here way too much power. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

More jello shots IMO.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I bet she forgot those jello shots lol. This was way before she found her way here back when ...... never mind lol. Rosemary, pile driver, fuck toy . Cheers
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Damn I wish I had a pic of that facial expression. I don't think I will ever forget that
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I was unhappy lol.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I wasn't