(QUIZ) The Zombie Bite Calculator

tia travels's Avatar
Take The Quiz:

My results:
You'd last 1 hour and 7 minutes before becoming infected!
macksback's Avatar
You'd last 1 hour and 34 minutes before becoming infected!
abdclub's Avatar
1 Hr 11 mins. Why do I take these stupid tests!!!!

tia travels's Avatar
1 Hr 11 mins. Why do I take these stupid tests!!!!

abdclub Originally Posted by abdclub
So you know why it's important to avoid zombies! LOL

(Thanks for playing. Make sure you do the Tapeworm one also!!)
1 hr 17 mins..but my question is..do zombies have sex?
Guest032213-02's Avatar
1 hr 20 mins. Do provider zombies "O", or is that just how their face is stuck?
52mins : ( lol
eccietime's Avatar
You'd last 1 hour and 19 minutes before becoming infected! Beat You TIA
zach01's Avatar