When I was in grade school, the world's population was reported to be 3 billion.
Now it's 6.8 billion. I always scoffed at nut jobs warning about overpopulation. Now I wonder at the effect of the unbridled growth.
Recently I spent a couple hours with a high muckety muck from the CDC.
I brought up the fact that people with the mutated gene Delta 32 are immune to aids and the bubonic plague. Scientists are now starting to use gene splicing to combat aids and other immune deficiency's this way.
To my surprise he wasn't for it. He said it was nature's way. He added, “How many kids do you see today that are alive with severe allergies? Lung problems that in times past would have been fatal early on. We are cultivating masses of people with no ability to pass on strong immune systems.”
“Epidemics are brutal but necessary for the long term health and survival of our species.”