Ah, man!

bigrock's Avatar
I hate it when interesting, yet possibly controversial, threads get deleted. Especially when they present the "other side" of a situation of interest to board members. Sorry '04.
LadiesFan's Avatar
censorship is bad..mmmkay

I think that any time a thread is deleted on this site, the thread name and the name of the poster should remain. The text of the original thread can be removed, but the mod who made the decision to delete it should state in plain text why the thread was deleted. Not just that is was against some policy, but "this thread was deleted because it violated X policy", then the mod should post a link to said policy. I don't like threads being deleted... reminds me of the previous site that I used to post on.

my 2 cents

Are you talking about the thread 78704 started accusing Marley Monroe of ripping him off?

I wonder why it got deleted too. No explanation from the moderator why it was deleted. It doesn't seem like 78704 broke any board rules by posting it.

Afterall, it seems that Marley actually admits to not having paid him back. So it's actually true. Plus, Marley just posted about some dude ripping her off, and that was never deleted. Shady WKing by a moderator it seems like.

If it was a post within that thread that was objectionable, maybe just that post should have been deleted. But I only remember reading some very interesting and potentially valuable info in that thread.

I wonder if this post/thread will get deleted too because of what I've just said above.

Open forum disrespect for a volunteer moderator is in poor form and is a pointable offence .... check your PMs sir. If you are unhappy with any moderator actions you are strongly encouraged to contact either the owners or administrators and express your concerns. Your problems will be addressed. ........ tc2
Guest062716's Avatar
Censorship is indeed bad. The only thing worse than that is to break the board rules (either intentionally or not) and post personal information and/or forbidden topics.

If you see a post that you think is problematic, please use the Report to Moderator function and a mod will help to steer things the right way.

It becomes very difficult to manage when people begin multiple posts with forbidden or personal information.

The mods all have other mods looking over their shoulder. You can rest assured that if something was pulled, there was a good reason. Usually the protection of more than one person.

I have dealt with some people promising to serously out some other people today. I take all such talk seriously and will do all I can to protect all on this board, hobbiest and provider alike.

It is not my job to take sides, rather to help keep the peace and enforce the rules.

My PM works, if anyone has a question or concern.

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-26-2010, 10:57 PM
My question would be about conflating problematic posts with threads, I guess; why pull the whole thread? Just easier? That's not a slam, by the way; if you tell me that it's too time-consuming to edit post by post in a prolific thread I'll take your word, of course; is that the explanation?

It would be easier for us, of course, if you offered explanations, rather than having us make them up and ask, this one?
atxbrad's Avatar
I wonder why it got deleted too. No explanation from the moderator why it was deleted. It doesn't seem like 78704 broke any board rules by posting it. Originally Posted by mobrien
I would tell you why I think it got deleted but it would probably cause this thread to get deleted also. I think that the mods are getting a little happy with the delete button when a simple "staff edit" would fix any personal or forbiden topics that may of been discussed. Let the thread stand and edit what is breaking rules. You delete it and the information is gone.........and thats just a shame
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 03-26-2010, 11:10 PM
Stuff like this is the reason why I don't post or do reviews much anymore......
It just isn't worth it!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
It was my fault. I posted some personal information without thinking. I actually didn't think at all before I posted on that thread. I'm an impulsive person and I often react in an illconsidered knee jerk fashion. I'm really sorry for what I did. Hope you all, and especially Marley, can forgive my rash comments.
The thread will reappear ........ there were enough serious issues involved with the thread that staff will need time to deal with them ....... late Friday afternoon/Weekend is not the best time frame to work for a group consensus on how to apply the owners guidelines to the problem at hand ........ the impatience and negativity expressed above are uncalled for ...... the staff that runs this board for y'all is volunteer and contributes as time allows ......
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-27-2010, 02:47 PM
Sophia: "If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)

TC: Certainly the expressed impatience and negativity could've been curtailed if you'd made that post a day earlier.
LadiesFan's Avatar
...... the impatience and negativity expressed above are uncalled for ...... the staff that runs this board for y'all is volunteer and contributes as time allows ...... Originally Posted by tcreative2
I appreciate your efforts, and the efforts of all of the mods. I understand that you volunteer your time, but I am sure that all of you get some kind of enjoyment from this job or none of you would do it.

I am currently not paying to view this site, but I am going to have to make that choice soon. I know that most of the content of this site is free, but the good stuff comes at a price (premium access), either cash pay, or write reviews. I do not, under any circumstances, want to pay to be a member of a site if I feel that the mods are too quick to delete any post, especially if the post contains info that I may need to make a decision where I spend my hobby dollars.

Your post was well within bounds for a free site, however, I am sure that the owners of this site are planning to make money.. or at least break even. I would hope that the mods see all members (providers and hobbiest) as paying customers, and not just people using a "free site".
