Alice Desiree double booked me!

cramster's Avatar
This is just a heads up that as with many young providers this one is a liar and doesn't honor her commitments.
We had an agreed upon time for an appointment and she booked someone else for the same time and didn't admit to doing so until just before our appointment time. She wasted over 2 hrs of my time as I came in from out of town to see her. She offered an apology but frankly I wanted more than that. Then she tried to lamely turn the tables and blame me.
The facts are we had an agreed upon appointment which I never cancelled. She took it upon herself to book another appointment without canceling our appointment first. There is no excuse for that. I wanted some sort of compensation for wasting my time and effort. This she wouldn't do.
I'm sure this will get a response from her White Knights and possible others. I don't care. This type of behavior makes me mad as hell! Those of you that know me know that I'm honest and fair. This is not going to turn into a he said she said on going thread because I don't plan on defending my position any further than what I've stated here. Those of you that can profit from my mistake please do so.
dallasfan's Avatar
Are you sure you are in the right city and have the right girl?

She is currently in austin. Has been since sunday.
You lack many details (like, when, where, etc) which would help you. This is Dallas, your reviews are all in Austin. You've made this post in three places already.

I don't know her, but see now since your post that she has placed an advert here in DFW a few days ago and is working here?. So given that, are you saying you came from Austin (where she normally is) to DFW just to see her?

I'm not sure if that's dedication to a provider or altogether something else...?
dallasfan's Avatar
I assume this happened in austin. And you are posting here to hurt her business when she got back to dallas.

You say 'appointment for which i never cancel'. That doesn't sound like a firm appointment. Almost sounds you didn't know if you could make it or not.

She is brand new to the business. If it did happen, like you said she apologized for it. You are wanting something more? Really? I understand you are upset but i think you are over-reacting.

If she did you so wrong, then you can do one thing ...not book with her again.
I'm sure she doesn't want to see you again with the way you over-reacted.

I think we haven't heard the whole story.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Maybe she wanted a MFM?
Alice is traveling with Daphne-hart and will be here in Dallas this weekend if anyone is interested. She's very new so my .02 would be to let it go. New providers get hammered with requests especially pretty little spinners with her look and menu. Sounds like she admitted her mistake and actually let you know she double booked you instead of just NCNS you. Yes I'd be pissed too! Always keep a plan B in mind with newbies... Everybody makes mistakes! If it were me I'd try again if you really want to meet her. She might have made it up to you in some other way but obviously not now. But hey, that's just my .02
+1 GMG; Well said.
I would like a chance to explain my side of things.

I first started PMing back and forth with cramster on Sunday night. Between then and Monday morning, we planned an appointment for Monday night, 10 pm.

On Monday at 10 am I PM'd the gent my phone number and asked him to text me.
Later in the afternoon, I hadn't heard from him so I PM'd him again, and asked for his number which he then provided.

When I input the number in my phone, I was off by 1 digit unknowingly. I started texting him (or so I thought) at 5 pm.

5 pm "Hey"
6pm "its alice. Trying to confirm our appt at 10, Please let me know by 8 or so."

After 8 pm I hadn't heard from him, and had a request from someone else for the 10 pm appointment on Monday.

9 pm (from cramster) "okay hon, its later do you have an address for me?"

I asked who he was etc... and when he told me later, I immediately realized my mistake.

I said "I'm so sorry, I thought I had texted you several times but had your number wrong and when I didn't hear back I took another appt"

He asked if I was available afterwards, which I wasn't as it was already so late, and I told him I would see him absolutely any other day that I'm in town.

He immediately became irate and said "you know you totally wasted my time. I came all the way from (insert city name here) just to see you. I think you need to make it up to me with more than just an apology. How about you offer me a discount"

I told him that my 250 rate is already the discounted rate, that he's had my number and the ability to confirm with me for nearly 12 hours and hadn't done so, and I can't see him.

His replies became more and more aggressive. He demanded that I cancel with my other guy since cramster had messaged me first, followed by this text at 10:02 pm

"If you ignore me and don't make this right I will post a bad review. On you"

I reminded him that he cannot in fact post a review if he hasn't had a session with me and that I would no longer be texting him and goodnight.

He stated that he could and would post in the mens lounge and coed discussions his exact words?
"my time is money and you have wasted it. Ur stupid meaningless apology is exactly that"

After my lack of replies, he told me that I need to think about how I should make it right to him and that I had until the next morning to respond before he posts.

The following morning, he texted me bright and early at 845am to see if I'd reconsidered my position. I told him that I would have been happy to make things right if he hadn't been so aggressive and quite frankly I was concerned for my own safety.

He of course changed his story to what a gentleman he is and if I could just meet him (which he really seemed to want to do), I would have an advocate in Austin. I told him that I understood his frustration, the mistake was definitely mine and I wouldn't make it again, but I still don't want to meet him.

I explained that he could post as he pleases, and that I've contacted a moderator to make them aware of our situation.

His last reply to me was "Thats because you're a stupid little Twat. U don't scare me either and I'll do what I want with or without your say so"

Again, I understand what I could have done differently to avoid this situation. If he had not been so extremely aggressive and demanding, I would have been happy to see him.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Alice, I've had that happen to me before. Simple solution: when you make a new acquaintance and want to have each other's phone numbers, just have the other person call or text you, then save the number. Transposing or missing one digit is just too easy!
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Her response seems plausible. She is new. It's quite overwhelming for a new provider. Your response reads a bit of a bully by saying you would post a bad review. Post in mens lounge. Reads like you were trying to scare her into doing what you thought you deserved.
I don't blame her for not wanting to see you now. My experience tells me if a gent speaks to me via written communication the way you did with her. I wouldn't see him. You could end up being aggressive and dominate in person if you are in writing.

Even if what she says isn't true. No reason to intimidate her with what you said. We ladies tend to like a gentlemanly correspondence. Even when tension abound. I can see several other options to express your disappointment with her. All without being so aggressive. I bet if you would have come from an understanding point of view she would have been willing to give you a discount. Most ladies want to make up for their mistakes.
It's not possible to give grace when one hasn't experienced it.

There is another thread in coed about how to make first contact with a provider. I think it would be a good thread to read. Several providers gave good feedback.

I hope you are over your initial reaction (understandable). Perhaps try a different approach and dial back your temper.
dallasfan's Avatar
Well stated explaination alice.

When a girl pms me her number, i usually text her back with who i am so she will have my contact info.

Sounds like mistakes were made by both parties.

Cramster had a right to be upset but could have handled it a lot better.
Blackmailing works on some girls apparently. Alice, good for you for standing your ground and not caving in to them.
Alice, I can't wait to meet you and Daphne
macbeth1000's Avatar
I would like a chance to explain my side of things.

I first started PMing back and forth with cramster on Sunday night. Between then and Monday morning, we planned an appointment for Monday night, 10 pm.

On Monday at 10 am I PM'd the gent my phone number and asked him to text me.
Later in the afternoon, I hadn't heard from him so I PM'd him again, and asked for his number which he then provided.

When I input the number in my phone, I was off by 1 digit unknowingly. I started texting him (or so I thought) at 5 pm.

5 pm "Hey"
6pm "its alice. Trying to confirm our appt at 10, Please let me know by 8 or so."

After 8 pm I hadn't heard from him, and had a request from someone else for the 10 pm appointment on Monday.

9 pm (from cramster) "okay hon, its later do you have an address for me?"

I asked who he was etc... and when he told me later, I immediately realized my mistake.

I said "I'm so sorry, I thought I had texted you several times but had your number wrong and when I didn't hear back I took another appt"

He asked if I was available afterwards, which I wasn't as it was already so late, and I told him I would see him absolutely any other day that I'm in town.

He immediately became irate and said "you know you totally wasted my time. I came all the way from (insert city name here) just to see you. I think you need to make it up to me with more than just an apology. How about you offer me a discount"

I told him that my 250 rate is already the discounted rate, that he's had my number and the ability to confirm with me for nearly 12 hours and hadn't done so, and I can't see him.

His replies became more and more aggressive. He demanded that I cancel with my other guy since cramster had messaged me first, followed by this text at 10:02 pm

"If you ignore me and don't make this right I will post a bad review. On you"

I reminded him that he cannot in fact post a review if he hasn't had a session with me and that I would no longer be texting him and goodnight.

He stated that he could and would post in the mens lounge and coed discussions his exact words?
"my time is money and you have wasted it. Ur stupid meaningless apology is exactly that"

After my lack of replies, he told me that I need to think about how I should make it right to him and that I had until the next morning to respond before he posts.

The following morning, he texted me bright and early at 845am to see if I'd reconsidered my position. I told him that I would have been happy to make things right if he hadn't been so aggressive and quite frankly I was concerned for my own safety.

He of course changed his story to what a gentleman he is and if I could just meet him (which he really seemed to want to do), I would have an advocate in Austin. I told him that I understood his frustration, the mistake was definitely mine and I wouldn't make it again, but I still don't want to meet him.

I explained that he could post as he pleases, and that I've contacted a moderator to make them aware of our situation.

His last reply to me was "Thats because you're a stupid little Twat. U don't scare me either and I'll do what I want with or without your say so"

Again, I understand what I could have done differently to avoid this situation. If he had not been so extremely aggressive and demanding, I would have been happy to see him. Originally Posted by Alice Desiree
Alice I wouldn't worry about this dude, his post which he posted everywhere sounded like someone out to get revenge because he didn't get what he wanted. Your response sounded very logical and plausible and I don't think his post would hurt your business one bite because I know that I already want to sign up to see you.

I must hand it to this lady, her response was very logical and I could follow the conversation from start to finish, just shows me that she has her head on her shoulders, educated and very pretty too... Very hard to find.

Please Alice, leave those Austin fellows and come back to Dallas.
I would like a chance to explain my side of things.

I first started PMing back and forth with cramster on Sunday night. Between then and Monday morning, we planned an appointment for Monday night, 10 pm.

On Monday at 10 am I PM'd the gent my phone number and asked him to text me.
Later in the afternoon, I hadn't heard from him so I PM'd him again, and asked for his number which he then provided.

When I input the number in my phone, I was off by 1 digit unknowingly. I started texting him (or so I thought) at 5 pm.

5 pm "Hey"
6pm "its alice. Trying to confirm our appt at 10, Please let me know by 8 or so."

After 8 pm I hadn't heard from him, and had a request from someone else for the 10 pm appointment on Monday.

9 pm (from cramster) "okay hon, its later do you have an address for me?"

I asked who he was etc... and when he told me later, I immediately realized my mistake.

I said "I'm so sorry, I thought I had texted you several times but had your number wrong and when I didn't hear back I took another appt"

He asked if I was available afterwards, which I wasn't as it was already so late, and I told him I would see him absolutely any other day that I'm in town.

He immediately became irate and said "you know you totally wasted my time. I came all the way from (insert city name here) just to see you. I think you need to make it up to me with more than just an apology. How about you offer me a discount"

I told him that my 250 rate is already the discounted rate, that he's had my number and the ability to confirm with me for nearly 12 hours and hadn't done so, and I can't see him.

His replies became more and more aggressive. He demanded that I cancel with my other guy since cramster had messaged me first, followed by this text at 10:02 pm

"If you ignore me and don't make this right I will post a bad review. On you"

I reminded him that he cannot in fact post a review if he hasn't had a session with me and that I would no longer be texting him and goodnight.

He stated that he could and would post in the mens lounge and coed discussions his exact words?
"my time is money and you have wasted it. Ur stupid meaningless apology is exactly that"

After my lack of replies, he told me that I need to think about how I should make it right to him and that I had until the next morning to respond before he posts.

The following morning, he texted me bright and early at 845am to see if I'd reconsidered my position. I told him that I would have been happy to make things right if he hadn't been so aggressive and quite frankly I was concerned for my own safety.

He of course changed his story to what a gentleman he is and if I could just meet him (which he really seemed to want to do), I would have an advocate in Austin. I told him that I understood his frustration, the mistake was definitely mine and I wouldn't make it again, but I still don't want to meet him.

I explained that he could post as he pleases, and that I've contacted a moderator to make them aware of our situation.

His last reply to me was "Thats because you're a stupid little Twat. U don't scare me either and I'll do what I want with or without your say so"

Again, I understand what I could have done differently to avoid this situation. If he had not been so extremely aggressive and demanding, I would have been happy to see him. Originally Posted by Alice Desiree
You did the right thing. He seems to have "issues". Between that type of angry hobbyist and those hobbyistpimpsters remoras flitting around here that claim they will help you get new business by writing "professional" reviews on you for discounted sessions/+$ this place is a hodgepodge of odd characters. You will be challenged to weave your way through it but from seeing how well you handled this, I suspect you will do just fine.

Hang in there and let your service quality work for you (reputation wise).
His last reply to me was "Thats because you're a stupid little Twat. U don't scare me either and I'll do what I want with or without your say so" Originally Posted by Alice Desiree
Sounds familiar:

How'd that perspective work out for you, cramster?

It's really shitty when gents (for lack of a better word) think they yeild some illusionary control over ladies just because they have a dick and a keyboard. Y'all need to get the fcuk over your mysoginist IOP (illusion of power) and accept the fact the field is level (with the honest players, of course) and this is an activitity to be driven by enjoyment - not control, manipulation or spin.