Info on SA Candidate

I joined this site not long before it went on sabbatical so I am still learning my way around. But I value the collective wisdom of the group, if not much of the sniping. Seriously, I enjoy the discussion and variety of viewpoints. Nevertheless, wondering if there is any insight on this intriguing profile from SA. My interest is not so much in the intimate details that you get in encounter reports, but things such as pro or no, personality, authenticity, police record (lol), boyfriend issues etc. I tend to skew more toward SA type of encounters over pros, though understand that there is that ever so fine line.

In any event, appreciate any insight!
Lane Meyer's Avatar
Seems like a nutcase. Hits me up outta the blue a few times. I tell her she’s over my age and weight limit she then says shit like I’ll only charge $400 cause you are good looking etc etc

Got to be so annoying I blocked her
Seems like a nutcase. Hits me up outta the blue a few times. I tell her she’s over my age and weight limit she then says shit like I’ll only charge $400 cause you are good looking etc etc

Got to be so annoying I blocked her Originally Posted by Lane Meyer
Thanks. That kind of info is helpful. I am a little skittish about those who initiate contact.
Pretty sure that is the artist known as Arya III Rivers
Pretty sure that is the artist known as Arya III Rivers Originally Posted by suspiciouscouch
Excellent to know. Thank you.
I believe Arya posted on this site that those are stolen pics of her.

Whoever this is also reached out to me and was extremely pushy, especially in wanting to get me to make specific offers. Something seemed off about it, smelled like a setup.

If, however it is her, it's very inconsistent with how she portrays herself on TOS.
What great insight, thank you all. This is why a board like this is so important. I was intrigued, but no longer.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
there is fake account. think it's 33 instead of 34. don't remember. the real account has asked for 300 meet. 400h. 500h. 600 lunch n h. LOL!
CitationV_18's Avatar
Sorry to bump this post, but was recently contacted by Classy Red 34. Wondering if there’s been any more information regarding the matter. Thanks in advance.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
Sorry to bump this post, but was recently contacted by Classy Red 34. Wondering if there’s been any more information regarding the matter. Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by CitationV_18
if you like crazy drunks. gettin threatened.
CryptKicker's Avatar
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