My side

So this guy just came to visit me. Upon his arrival he was very sweet, and respectful. Once the session started or actually before the session started he told me he wanted to go to the bathroom to clean up a little. I have no water running no nothing. So when he came to the bedroom, I had some baby wipes on hand and I asked him if he could wipe them self off if he didn’t then I would. He told me that he had just taken a shower and I said sweetie that doesn’t matter if I’m going to be Doing something with you, I want it to be especially clean. So things started, I began and then he tells me To stop that he has one rule and he doesn’t like spit. OK so how are you supposed to give a , you know, w/o spit? you have to keep your mouth from getting wet it wasn’t like it was sloppy but I’m sorry if my mouth isn’t dry so of course there’s going to be some sort of saliva. So back to the beginning before he laid down after he undressed I told him we have to move down on the bed a little bit because the head of my bed is against the wall that I share with my neighbors, the walls are fairly thin , so I asked him if we could just move down a little bit. So after we started playing he got on top of me and he put his hand with his whole body weight on my forearm and I hurt my forearm kind of pop. So then he said will turn over and we can do this doggie OK cool. I tried to get in a soon as I did I couldn’t put a lot of pressure on my arm. But I tried my best. Mission completed he finished fairly quick. I told him my only rules were no Trips to foreign countries, no fingers In the kitty, and no Unprotected service. So when he was leaving he told me that I had way too many rules, and I should ease up on those or change them. So I told him every provider has her own set of dos & donts... I made everything clear upfront. Even after I told him the rules midway during the session you try to push my head down while giving a Service and I told him that was the first warning if I had to ask him to stop something again that the session would be ended. After he left he text me wow I can’t believe what bad service you gave me. And I explain to him it’s not that hard for you to follow directions. I said when you do your job I’m pretty sure you have rules and regulations just as I do. And I also told him that if he had a problem with my rules that I gave him upfront and during the session he needs to find a provider, that would provide him everything that he was trying to do that I would not allow.

We all have our limits, and we all have our lines drawn in the sand of what we do and don’t do. But I’ll be damned if I have a hobbyist who hasn’t been around that long, tell me that I have too many rules. Well I’m sorry you had rules to one of the most ridiculous ones I’ve ever heard like, you can give me a blowjob and I want you to you know do it good but don’t use any spirit that’s my rule..

Then he should’ve got a covered BJ and not a bbbj..

He only wrote this review here because he couldn’t on the other site.

Ladies what would you do in the situation?

He also has another handle there.
Pm me for his other handle and he has done this to him a couple of other girls. I’m not worried about the review because that’s his opinion, but I think that it’s completely unfair that guys can make up bullshit lies, and do this to multiple people and get away with it. Just because you can’t get away with something on one site you go to another one where you didn’t even meet me off of, and you go and you try to slander stuff. But how about you tell the full story. How about even after I gave you warnings I still obliged the session because you were there. And you didn’t leave until after you finished. And after you finished you told me that you had a good time and then as you were leaving you try to give me so-called pointers on how to run my business. I don’t think you have any business doing that until you are in the ladies position Doing what we do.
He’s harassed & bothered 3 other girls On the alternate website. So I am definitely not the only one that he has a habit of doing this with. Maybe the reason he has a different handle on the other side is because of the BS that he pulls. And as a matter fact he told me that he was not a member on this site
He has 2 handles here also
  • pxmcc
  • 02-22-2019, 12:09 PM
lets start with the basics: what are all his handles on both sites?

and requesting a bbbj-but hold the spit-is like ordering a Whopper, but hold the Whopper. (yes, ppl do actually order Whoppers but hold the Whopper. i used to be a Whopper flopper lol.)
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I don't think she can post his handle from the other site...that's outing isn't it? But she can post what his handles are here though, right?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-22-2019, 12:27 PM
^posting a handle on any hobby site is not outing. outing involves the unpermitted disclosure of RW info on a hooker board.
Both handles on this site are:

I don't think she can post his handle from the other site...that's outing isn't it? But she can post what his handles are here though, right? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
He has two handles here. One of the handles that he uses here is the same one as the other site
CurvyKatie's Avatar
^posting a handle on any hobby site is not outing. outing involves the unpermitted disclosure of RW info on a hooker board. Originally Posted by pxmcc
OK I wasn't sure.
Look I’m all about having A freaking fantastic time when I’m with a gentleman. I want it to be mutual. So yes I’m going to do my best to provide that gentleman with the absolute best experience because, like I said I would want to enjoy it too. But what some of these guys do not understand or do not get is the fact that yes we have rules. Some girls allow things that others don’t. Either way the few guys that don’t understand still need to comply with the lady of their choice. This is all about us having mutual enjoyment, pleasure, and satisfaction with whom ever we are meeting with. This is not just a one-sided thing for me and I’m sure for a lot of other girls.

I’m using voice text so if any of this looks crazy, or like a kindergartner came up with it, LOL... That is the reason why.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Cameron but have you taken up smoking? To my knowledge, you don't smoke. I thought maybe he saw an imposter??? There has been some of that going around. I may need to follow up with Cameron and re access what is actually going on with Cameron and report back.
I’m actually allergic to cigarette smoke. I am however, a candle/smell goodies type of girl! Lol . So the lighter that he saw probably actually had to be lighter that I used to light several candles that are in my home. And I can guarantee you any person that has been to my location, has always complimented me on how clean and how good my place is, especially being very well-kept.. Also whenever this gentleman that wrote this recent review that we are speaking of, once he first arrived and got comfortable in my location, he commented how much she liked the place and how well kept it was Himself. I had a client that showed up on time smelling like he just got done smoking. I could not take it I made him shower thoroughly, and as soon as he left at took a shower, and washed my bedding and sprayed air freshener everywhere, just because I do not like the smell of cigarettes that much. So hell no I don’t smoke cigarettes!
A guy I know who knows a guy told me that the two stories sound kind of the same from both the provider and her client. So we can read both and make our own conclusions...but I for one am not a fan of someone hocking a loogy on my dick unless I am drunk and I will never fuck anyone that I can't give the finger test. I have discovered things that are not so pleasant with the finger test so that is a hard rule for me. Just my thoughts...and now off to the bar!
A guy I know who knows a guy told me that the two stories sound kind of the same from both the provider and her client. So we can read both and make our own conclusions...but I for one am not a fan of someone hocking a loogy on my dick unless I am drunk and I will never fuck anyone that I can't give the finger test. I have discovered things that are not so pleasant with the finger test so that is a hard rule for me. Just my thoughts...and now off to the bar! Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7
He never tried the finger test. Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love somebody petting my kitty. Just don’t try to murder her with your hands. Like pet her nice and softly on top. LOL. But full insertion know. But like I said he never even tried it. I entertained him, it was about to start raining so he grabbed his raincoat & went in. lol. There was absolutely no hocking of anything on him. Just the natural, Regular amount, not sloppy, just enough to keep it wet.