And, on that note...

Eccie served its purpose. I had a good run here, not bad at all! HOWEVER, with the shut down last year, the new laws that have just went into effect recently- I’m bowing out gracefully from here. I see a lot of guys & girls doing the same. Eccie is NOT what it use to be, at all! The disrespect from both sides, mods were not really doing their job, etc. Nobody wants to log in & see the unnecessary rudeness to ppl. Trolls. Not cool. So I guess since nobody can really post except for in coed, I’m hoping that doesn’t go to shit either. I wish you all the best of luck and if you need to reach me I will post my info below. If it gets deleted just send me a private message and I will be more than happy to send you my info. Let’s all stay safe!


Cendell M's Avatar
Love ya girl, do what makes you happy I believe we'll be okay if we can stick together and just keep ALL men, ladies (even if we dont see eye to eye) and the staff safe! I will always give references to anyone for safety and its the right thing to do....

Eccie's like home to me i hate change but like some folks say things change and we just have to adapt. It's sad we still got H2, P4, switter etc...

I discovered chit "chat" around this joint its kinda fun so im on the fence but i'd miss my first home!!

"One day you're here the next day you're gone" Life
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
Go ahead and guest your account then
boardman's Avatar
The mods dont seem to be able to keep up with the exodus. Requesting a "delete my account" request has been met with crickets for the last month

Advice to anyone wanting to have their account deleted. It ain't gonna happen. Best you can get is guested which means your handle no longer appears. Dont request it on the questions section. PM a mod or admin with a request to "quest" and have a reason concerning safety of your RW identity.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Boardman some truth to that statement. (Since you and I have never BS'd each other, why start now). We are playing catch up on these posts and also getting a "complete grasp" on what is allowed now and what is not.

The questions for the staff section : is probably the best route to take first with a reason, no matter what reason and then PM'ing second.

The question for the staff section reaches everyone in Houston while a PM may not be answered for a couple of days.

Also remember ladies, your Signature Lines will also have to change. Signature lines can still have phone numbers, email addresses and such. However, you cannot have links to other sites.
Renegade69's Avatar
I'm sticking around. Besides the few bad apples, I enjoy reading through the boards and encounters. Stay safe