I have a name question...

So there is another provider who is a red head and also named Roxie Red
I'm Rendezvous Roxy but some including me are concerned it is or may cause confusion so I'm considering changing my name....ii don't wanna confuse anyone anymore than possible but wanna clear up any possible issues in the future????

Should ii change my name? Should ii have my reviewers correct the posts ii already have? Help! Lol
bartipero's Avatar
You could call yourself 'Omaha'.
Why Omaha? Lol
I was thinking Raven...haven't seen that one yet!
Gladiator69's Avatar
Type Raven in the provider search and you will find half a dozen Raven's or variations of it, although they may not be from KC, as I did not look that far. I'm sure no matter what name you choose your fans will follow/find you gorgeous! When you decide on a new name just pm your moderator and your reviews will be attached to your new name. Hope this helps and if you ever make a trip to Iowa, be sure to let me know. Us Iowa guy's LOVE KC ladies!!
I must certainly will..we're planning a trip next month! (:
JRLawrence's Avatar
So there is another provider who is a red head and also named Roxie Red
I'm Rendezvous Roxy but some including me are concerned it is or may cause confusion so I'm considering changing my name....ii don't wanna confuse anyone anymore than possible but wanna clear up any possible issues in the future????

Should ii change my name? Should ii have my reviewers correct the posts ii already have? Help! Lol Originally Posted by yored89
Are you naturally a red head? if so, there is nothing wrong with using the term Read in your Nick Name. It is to your advantage not to be confused with someone else.

Now comes the hard part: how to distinguish you self with a unique handle.

Ravin would mean black: not a good idea.

pmdelites's Avatar
yored, before you decide to choose a new name, do like gladiator suggested - do a provider AND member search to see if that name is used by anyone in the areas you plan on working in. [provider search at top of pages, member search on left side of main eccie page]

once you decide on a name,
1. if you want to change your eccie login name, send a pvt msg to any of the kc area moderators requesting the change. as long as all you're doing is changing your login name, all your posts and reviews will stay associated w/ the member profile. be sure to update your profile, signature, showcase, etc. then mention the change in your ads.

2. if you want to change your provider name, no need to involve the moderators. just change it in your profile, signature, showcase, etc. then mention the change in your ads.

the problem w/ #2 is - what if your reviews say "sexyRoxy" but when a guy searches the providers for "sexyRoxy", nothing shows up? frustrating!! (esp. if the reviewer didnt put a link to your profile or showcase). any roadblocks in a guy's research path might cause him to say "fuggedabout it" and a potential client never contacts you.

case in point - your user name is yored and your provider name is roxy.

good luck w/ your search for your identity.

also, "yored" is less distinguishable than yoRed. [i think eccie login names are case-sensitive]
all lowercase [which i mainly use] hides the "red" part.

somecoolwebsitethatiWIllneverr emembercositsalllowercase.com
someCoolWebSiteThatIWillNeverR ememberCosItsAllLowerCase.com