Help with Negative References

I need some help with how to handle a negative provider reference. I don't want the provider who gave it to me to be retaliated against, which in this situation I think could happen. He is "safe", just does some things BCD that are undesirable. I don't want to hurt his feelings, and don't want to just flat out say "So and so said you do this". Guys, how would you want this handled if it was you? Ladies, how do you handle this or something similar? Thanks so much! Love you guys!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Farts during a blow job, eh? :-p

I have no useful advice this morning, just wild speculative guesses.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Does he only have one provider reference for you to go by? Also if he is a member here, check his reviews to see what activities he has had with others and if that falls in line with what your comfort level is. If all else fails go with your gut sweetie. From everything I have read about you, you are ROCKSTAR and if it don't feel right don't see him. By the way if you ever make a trip to Iowa, let me know. Us Iowa guy's LOVE KC ladies!! Good luck sweetie and above all else, be safe
Does he only have one provider reference for you to go by? Also if he is a member here, check his reviews to see what activities he has had with others and if that falls in line with what your comfort level is. If all else fails go with your gut sweetie. From everything I have read about you, you are ROCKSTAR and if it don't feel right don't see him. By the way if you ever make a trip to Iowa, let me know. Us Iowa guy's LOVE KC ladies!! Good luck sweetie and above all else, be safe Originally Posted by Gladiator69
Thank you!

She is his only reference, but is very reputable so I trust her opinion. I have made the decision not to see him, just don't know the best way to tell him.....
Farts during a blow job, eh? :-p

I have no useful advice this morning, just wild speculative guesses. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
You got it! That is exactly what it is. j/k

(Can someone teach me how to "multi-quote" lol)
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Thank you!

She is his only reference, but is very reputable so I trust her opinion. I have made the decision not to see him, just don't know the best way to tell him..... Originally Posted by Bristol.kc
You got it! That is exactly what it is. j/k

(Can someone teach me how to "multi-quote" lol) Originally Posted by Bristol.kc
I knew it! Just click the multi-quote buttons from each post you want to add and then click Quote for all of them to show up in the message window.
Johnny4455's Avatar
I don't think you should say anything about why you aren't seeing him. Definitely not give a name of who told you. Just tell him no. Your prerogative.
ElumEno's Avatar
I say tell him the truth.. yes sometimes the truth hurts but in the long run it is best.

He can not change something that he is not aware of.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Just tell him that he needs more than one reference as he is still considered a newbie and you need more than one reference to screen from and based on that you are unable to see him at this time. It's your choice to see or not see anyone hun.
This is a question that would best be asked in Infoshare.
I agree with sins..maybe ask a mod to move this to infoshare. Don't you think he will see this entire thread and know anyway?
I have pretty good references on here and I have had ladies not get back hold of me. I say Just no more respond and call it a day. After all it is all about who you want to see. We ask, you approve, we meet, you meet the meat, that's the chain of things. No matter what we think.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
Bristol, if I were you, I would listen to the advice of two of the more intelligent ladies here (Sins and Destiny). They have been there, done that and got the t-shirt. They have been around the block and know from whence they speak.
If that is his only reference then you really don't need to say "So and so said this" since he only gave you one reference. I would be more inclined to say that you don't feel comfortable seeing him since he has limited references.
Your best course of action is to give me a free session.