Dims want to withhold stimulus checks until you get the covid vaccine

winn dixie's Avatar
They can keep their fucking check. I'll keep my Immune System, lol.
winn dixie's Avatar
This idea is gaining steam with the dims.

They actually want to force the unproven vaccine to the masses! Not to mention withhold stimuli to those who need it!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Huh. So, they want to bribe people into taking the vaccine. This actually makes me not want to take the vaccine anymore. Fuck them.

They present this idea as something that kills two birds with one stone, so to speak, but it's the opposite. Any human being would simply deliver the vaccine and propose a stimulus check, not make some sick fuck game out of it and try to use it to control people. This is treating people like children.

Unfortunately, the world has been overtaken by inhuman lockdown lovers. H I M was our only hope.
adav8s28's Avatar

This aint gonna work. Originally Posted by winn dixie
The person who proposed this is a FORMER congressman. This didn't come from Nancy and Chuck. The $1200 dollar payment is not even in the bill they are talking about now. If your taxable gross was greater than $75,000 on your 2019 return you did not get the $1200 stimulus check payment in the first stimulus bill.

Regardless of where this goes, Herd Immunity in the USA cannot be reached until at least 60% of the USA population is immune (either from getting it or getting the vaccine) which is about 200,000,000 people. It won't be until end of summer 2021 where Herd Immunity could have a chance to start to kick in.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Exactly. It’s a proposal from a former elected official

For a change the OPie didn’t pay attention to anything but the bullet point summary of the story,

How about a fine for people who decline to be vaccinated and contract/spread the disease?

What best incentivizes people, OPie? Maybe just let em die? We’ve already got that. And look where it got us. The only good outcome so far is regime change.

Again, thank you Pennsylvania for delivering us from stupid.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... How about a fine for people who decline to be vaccinated and contract/spread the disease? .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually a lot of private businesses are reviewing the concept of changing human resources hiring practices to include vaccinations. Not just covid, but everything ie, Tetanus. And incorporating policies similar to requiring drug testing, etc.

So if you want to get, or keep, a job.....
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't understand what's so wrong with wanting to live in a free society. If you don't want COVID, then take precautions so you don't get it. There is even a vaccine coming out. What is with the lockdown lovers?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't understand what's so wrong with wanting to live in a free society. If you don't want COVID, then take precautions so you don't get it. There is even a vaccine coming out. What is with the lockdown lovers? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
How about mitigating the spread? Containing further spread? Besides, there never has been a real lockdown. It's partial. Your side kept saying Biden was locked in his basement, 3 months after he had been out, campaigning. For some reason, you can't present an issue at its face value.

It is dumb to correlate a check with the vaccination. That is way too late to help people who need it now. and it only increases the paranoia that exists about tasking the vax at all.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't believe in locking down to mitigate the spread, even if it does mitigate the spread. I don't feel as though the government should have the authority to lock a whole population of people up and enforce totalitarian control over them through the police. If H I M was actually a dictator, H I M would have took full advantage of COVID and turned the entire country into a police state. Let's see if Biden is the real dictator.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This came from winni the bitch.
Did anyone expect it to be true?
This guy went from 4 posts a day in May to over 33 the last month.
He has no money so he shills for trump. Plus he keeps sending pms begging for money.
Will mods stop him?
I've been quiet lately, but contrary to the anti-vacers, this one seems great. The new technology is promising as well as for future vaccines as well.

My current attitude is get vaccinated ASAP, if you choose not to, to bad for you. The rules change. I'm no longer protecting you, I'm protecting me.
winn dixie's Avatar
How is this not true? The fucking link is there!

This idea has gained a lot of traction with the dims!

It prolly wont be initiated because the right and middle will crush it!

Just another example of the socialist left wanting to implement their agenda!
I don't believe in locking down to mitigate the spread, even if it does mitigate the spread. I don't feel as though the government should have the authority to lock a whole population of people up and enforce totalitarian control over them through the police. If H I M was actually a dictator, H I M would have took full advantage of COVID and turned the entire country into a police state. Let's see if Biden is the real dictator. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
No matter what anyone wants to call Biden, the common undisputed feature is he's a dam idiot.
This came from winni the bitch.
Did anyone expect it to be true?
This guy went from 4 posts a day in May to over 33 the last month.
He has no money so he shills for trump. Plus he keeps sending pms begging for money.
Will mods stop him?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
33 posts a day the past month and not a single clue in any of them. I wish the mods would put a stop to his constant whining. But because he is usually very careful about what he says, they probably will not.

He cowardly uses the RTM button to consistently report those that disagree with his viewpoint so he knows he cannot cross that line himself or his enemies will report him in droves.

So unfortunately we appear to be stuck with his lame ass rants for the foreseeable future.

Of course he could shut the fuck up on his own accord but I wouldn't count on it.