Business Feedback

I pretty much have decided the course of action I’m going to take, but am curious how others - particularly the ladies feel.

First let me say, I would NEVER complain about or try to negotiate rates. If someone exceeds my price point or my perceived price/value ratio, I simply move on.

My question is when I have seen a lady several times and have had nothing but positive experiences but she has now increased her rates beyond what I’m willing to pay. As a businessman I would want to know why a former client no longer uses my business. Is that feedback something ladies would appreciate or is it off limits?

FWIW, unless I see overwhelming responses to the contrary, I plan to keep quiet and move on unless she asks why I no longer seek appointments with her
1. I doubt she will ever ask you why you no longer see her.
2. Most ladies I've seen over a longer period of time have grandfathered me in with the rate I have been always paying her.
1. I doubt she will ever ask you why you no longer see her.
2. Most ladies I've seen over a longer period of time have grandfathered me in with the rate I have been always paying her. Originally Posted by Mclovin54
1) I agree and really don’t expect it.

2) I have heard about clients being grandfathered in at previous rates, is that something you asked about or asked for; or was it advertised? To me, to ask for it could be seen as negotiating rates. Unfortunately, the lady I’m referring to doesn’t mention anything about grandfathering established clients in.

I wouldn’t even be thinking about this except for three facts - 1) she was at the upper limit of my price range before 2) her new rate is almost 150% of her previous rate and 3) Cedar Rapids just doesn’t have very many other options that I find attractive.
les123's Avatar
If you’ve seen her multiple times and you think she remembers you just contact her and explain the situation. You really have nothing to lose if her new rates are too high for you. If she says no then just move on.
I agree with reaching out. Don’t be rude just inform her your at your limit. At least she knows it’s nothing combatability wise and your just a victims of your own limits. Not personal. I am sure they understand when rates go up some will drop off. We have to have limits. They may come back around. If not your mind is clear.
I agree with reaching out. Don’t be rude just inform her your at your limit. At least she knows it’s nothing combatability wise and your just a victims of your own limits. Not personal. I am sure they understand when rates go up some will drop off. We have to have limits. They may come back around. If not your mind is clear.
1) I agree and really don’t expect it.

2) I have heard about clients being grandfathered in at previous rates, is that something you asked about or asked for; or was it advertised? To me, to ask for it could be seen as negotiating rates. Unfortunately, the lady I’m referring to doesn’t mention anything about grandfathering established clients in.

I wouldn’t even be thinking about this except for three facts - 1) she was at the upper limit of my price range before 2) her new rate is almost 150% of her previous rate and 3) Cedar Rapids just doesn’t have very many other options that I find attractive. Originally Posted by faromir
I didn't even know she had raised her rates. Called to set up an appointment and she casually mentioned that she had increased her fees for new clients, and regulars were grandfathered in.
BubbaH's Avatar
If you’ve seen her more than a couple of times you should have a little rapport built up. Just each out and say you’d like to see her again, but curious if the changes apply to repeat clients. If she says yes then politely decline setting up an appointment at this time. I’d be willing to bet that if it was a 50% jump she will get back in touch with you in a few weeks offering to grandfather you in because you won’t be the only one looking elsewhere.
Yeah just ask if you can be grandfathered in at the old rate since you are a regular. If she says no, then you know exactly where you stand. However that is something you have to propose to her, she will never propose that.