Vitalikor- woody boost?

Tailgunnr's Avatar
Looking at trying Vitalikor from GNC- I know there is a thread about it in the private area but wanted to see if anyone had tried it? any side effects? safe? thanks for any feedback!
Make sure you take a couple of aspirin.
Hkphooey hit me up on this one day. he tried it and loved it even though it gave him a headache. I tried it once but only took 1 pill. It had no effect on me other than making me feel weird for 6-9 hours. I wanted to try 1 and not 2 to see and I guess didn't work that way. The guy at GNC as well as others swear by it.
If you have elevated blood pressure issues, run away.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I bought a bottle and have had occasion to use it only once. I was ready to play when she entered the room. She didn't give me the chance for a hoped-for second pop, but I was able to "relive" the experience when I got home, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Phildo nailed it (per the high blood pressure or other circulatory / medical issues). I couldn't have said it do be careful. If you already have issues...I'd avoid this product (or others that contain Yohimbe-based ingredients).

If Vitalikor works for you (initially), problem, right? Yes, there can be headaches and an "odd feeling" but the erections can be magnificent. But again, be cautious using this little "pick me up". Like anything, your body can & will make adjustments if you use it frequently over a lengthy period of time or take more than is suggested (kind of like how prolonged use of antibiotics can lose their ineffectiveness over time....our bodies build up a resistance, so to speak).

My suggestion would be to chart your useage of Vitalikor (yes, pain in the ass....but write it down). Perhaps develop a "cycle of use" based upon how often you hobby (or the intended use is with your SO). Note the results you get each time, too, since it can and will vary....especially over an extended stretch of time.

This may seem like a silly exercise for those using this product for the very first time....the initial results may be exactly what you're looking for....yeehaw. Why chart the're not conducting an 8th grade science project, right?

But after prolonged use (a year +) I assure you things can change. Like any product of the ilk, you have to taken into consideration a number of factors: your age, health / medical conditions, your own personal metabolism, etc. So, in a nutshell, what has taken place with me might not happen at all with you.

Good luck & happy hobbying!
Works great for me. Had a stripper remark about how hard I was in spite of numerous beers. And yes, I get like a mild sinus headache for a while.
daty/o's Avatar
I would say buy the smallest amount you can get. There does not seem to be much gray area with this; it either works like a charm or not at all. Does nothing for me. Won't even give me a good headache.
LongHardRide's Avatar
I swear I can't see any effect (taking 2) except a slightly stuffy nose and an ever so slight headache. It was rumored a while back that the mix changed and the effectiveness fell off for most. That seems to be a recurring theme with all the OTC options I have tried in the past year. I have a cialis Rx but damn its $$$pensive....
Jesone's Avatar
Purchased one bottle. Nothing . It was a complete waste of time and money.
wolfking1212's Avatar
I've had mixed results with it. The 1st bottle I bought worked great... and I didn't have the headache that most people report. Bought another bottle of it and it did absolutely nothing for me. I don't know if it was the batch I got or what... so I never bought it again.