HOPEFULLY NOT "one and done"......

  • PT4ME
  • 04-28-2011, 11:17 PM
CONGRATS to the MAVS!!! Hopefully it will not be another "one and done" post season for our home team!!

I think the Mav's "window" is closing as we "write", and although a tough row to hoe, this COULD be the year.....


Lucas McCain's Avatar
Good luck beating the Lakers. When LA is fully focused, with a somewhat healthy Bynum, nobody can beat them. Unfortunately, LA suffers from ADD so they don't show up it seems unless they have a sense of urgency, and they have a bad habit of giving games away with a half ass effort....And yes, for full disclosure, I am a diehard Lakers fan.

Having said that, I was rooting for the Mavs against Portland because Portland matches up better with the Lakers. The Mavs are soft. Bynum has 50 pounds on Chandler, if the Lakers decide to play consistently, it should be a short series. Luckily for you Mavs fan though, the Lakers will take games off like they always do so I would not be surprised if there was an upset. Actually I would be surprised, but who knows with this schizo Lakers team which team actually shows up to play on any given night - hell, they just went 6 games against Chris Paul and a bunch of guys from the New Orleans YMCA rec. league.
Barack Obama's Avatar
The champs are a tough match up for anyone. Never the less, go Mavs!
homiefb's Avatar
lakers will have to work to eliminate us i think. the lakers dont have the bench like they used to (jordan farmar, trevor ariza, josh powell, dj mbenga)...all young players....they got steve blake and matt barnes (a lil bitch) and lamar odom who is legit. gasol and bynum can not guard dirk so they have to take one out most of the time so they cant use their strength which is keeping both on the floor.....i say mavs in 6
Randall Creed's Avatar
Mavs won't improve until they dump that wimpy ass Dirk. All he cares about is getting his shots. Perfect example of a player who would rather look good losing over doing whatever it takes to be a winner. Someone enlighten me as to what areas of Dirk's game has improved in the last decade, because I've seen nothing.

Mavs' best bet is to find a willing sucker and get whatever they can for him.
TexRich's Avatar
Mavs won't improve until they dump that wimpy ass Dirk. All he cares about is getting his shots. Perfect example of a player who would rather look good losing over doing whatever it takes to be a winner. Someone enlighten me as to what areas of Dirk's game has improved in the last decade, because I've seen nothing.

Mavs' best bet is to find a willing sucker and get whatever they can for him. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

hey RC, you and Boltfan could possibly have something you agree on, at least on hating on the Mavs, LOL. of course I completely disagree on your analysis of the Mavs and Dirk, Mavs may have their reasons for not winning a championship but to try to simplify that it all on Dirk or he is the main reason is wrong IMO. but hey that is your opinion, I do not agree with it, but I respect it and I am not going to bash you for it like some here that have a habit of doing so, LOL.
Boltfan's Avatar
Well, Dirk and his need for scoring carried the team to a win in LA to steal home court advantage. Not sure how that fits into your equation there RC. Pretty big game to steal all things considered. Yeah, the Lakers didn't focus but the Mavs still needed to score to win and he did.

TR, that sig line is awesome dude.
Randall Creed's Avatar
One game doesn't make Dirk a lifetime hero. I'm talking his whole career. He's been soft and finessy. Sure, they made the Finals once, and hell, I'll even agree that they got robbed that year. But the reason they lost that series (other than officiating) is because they took jumpshots like it was going out of style. Meanwhile, D. Wade by himself took more FTs than just about the whole Mavericks team. I've never played bball at a high level, but I do know that when I did play and I had bigger men than me trying to play like they're in the 1 and 2 spots, it was a big discourager. We're getting killed on the boards and can't keep inside traffic under control, and here's one of our bigs taking threes. I'm thinkin, 'Are you serious!'

It may not be all Dirk, but he's basically the face of the team (beyond Cuban). Just like QB's who get all the blame for team shortcomings (unjust or not), I'm inclined to do the same to Dirk.
  • PT4ME
  • 05-05-2011, 12:46 PM
I would think calling Dirk a "one game" wonder is a bit extreme, and to belittle his entire career?..... hmmmm, I guess that's why they are called opinions.

Anyhooo, although not pretty, the Mavs ARE up 2-0, and the next two are on their own home court. I don't think there is much more we as fans can ask for. I would love to see the sweep, but two more wins any kinda way would be soooooo sweet!!!