Curvy or BBW what's the difference ?

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 10-12-2012, 06:11 AM
I want to start off by saying that its not my intention to offend anyone but I'd like to know when does curvy stop and BBW start and what are your opinions as far as what each one is. To me, a curvy woman is one that has nice hips a nice ass, she's not a 105lb spinner but she can still rock a bikini. Now in my opinion a BBW is just that a she's not a size two spinner nor is she a size 8 -10 curvy girl but she is a beautiful woman with a little more " cushion ".

I do like spinners and I like a woman with curves but I've met a few providers lately that have claimed to be curvy and were actually in my opinion a BBW. So I'd like to find out what size is curvy and what size is considered BBW.
Wakeup's Avatar
There is no difference...fat is fat...
This is curvy and I'm a size 10

I disagree Wakeup. I see a BBW as someone whose tummy sticks out farther than the boobs, and she has the round shape, muffin top going on and kinda like hamburgler at McDonalds. Some ladies have a larger frame which makes them appear amazon like and are called BBW as well. But they arent obese, just big boned, or corn fed as well call it down south.

Curvy is just that, curvy. Not necessarily fat. Im curvy, athletic, spin, run, cycle. Im not fat, deff not obese, can out do any jock in fucking crossfit at the box--work out with Marines even with a fucked up rotator cuff, and I cant get a prescription for a diet pill due to not meeting the bmi requirements--breakdown of water fat and muscle mass was screened too. So just because a woman isnt bone thin or totally firm, doesnt mean she is fat or obese or a bbw.

I read your post, and as you said you are not a trainer, dietician, etc. Well I am a certified trainer and have worked with many obese clients. Curvy is NOT obese. Granted you were in the Army, but ya know, the Army these days look pretty FAT. They have laxed as well. So thats not saying a lot. And Im not bashing the Army, my dad was 82nd, HOOAH!

If you want to make your assumptions, be sure to get educated first. Yours is that of a personal preference. If a woman is not as thin as you think she should be you label her as fat or bbw.

Gucci I think your idea of 8-10 is right on as not being a bbw, even in some cases a size 12 or 14, it just depends on her "shape" and how her body is proportioned. Round(apple)shape is usually the BBW shape. Thickness, etc. Many ladies advertise curvy just because they do not want to admit it, or bbw might turn guys off--or they feel very self confident and in the mirror they see "curvy." However some tend to confuse "rolls" with "curvy" LOL

I say love yourself. Live and let live.
Wakeup's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I say love yourself. Live and let live. Originally Posted by kymberlane
And yeah..fuck that noise...
Still Looking's Avatar
If you get on an scale and it reads... "Hey one at a time!" your BBW!
I was thinking about this yesterday. So from what I gather...if we have a bigger woman, let's say size 16...and she has a good amount of belly fat, she's a BBW. But if we could take the belly fat and distribute it to her hips, butt, and maybe boobs, then she's curvy?
And there my friend is why YOU HAVE TO PAY! LOL You deff have issues with your own self image and low self esteem, which is why you judge others who you feel do not meet your own personal standards. Guess it makes you feel better about yourself. Hateful, cold person(refuse to refer to you as a man). Pretty pathetic.

"A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode." -Chanakya

And yeah..fuck that noise... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Your awesome! In my personal experience I have found that my curves attract HOT YOUNGER MEN! I love it!!
This is curvy and I'm a size 10

Originally Posted by HotCougarMilf
bistraight69's Avatar
Curvy: It used to be used to define an attractive, healthy woman's figure, which was an hourglass shape and good shoulders, now it is used to describe fat women. magazines wrongly use the word 'curvy' to try and make fat gals feel better about not being called fat, but hey, isnt it just as rude to call someone skinny as it is to call someone fat? they want slim girls to say "omigod!" and head for the pies and lard so everyone will look big and that way,they think nobody will be jealous. big women dont see that slagging off slim women wont make themselves any prettier. take a hint
normal healthy size 10 girl walks down street when she is spied by a fat lady. "Maureen! get a load of that size 10 stick insect!" she sniggers. "Yeah im wicked proud of my- *umph* curvy figure! i'll display my luscious curvy muffin tops and heavenly cankles proudly for everyone to see what a 'healthy' figure is!"
Still Looking's Avatar
SL Top Ten Reasons You May Be A BBW

1) If the fire department has ever used the jaws of life to get you out of the turn styles at an amusement park, you may be a BBW.
2) If you have ever used something other than your hand to wipe your ass, you may be a BBW.
3) If you refrain from wearing polyester plants out of fear your thighs might catch on fire, you may be a BBW.
4) If you ever stood on a corner and the police stopped and said, “Hey break it up!”, you may be a BBW.
5) If you ever stood on a talking scale and it said, “Hey one at a time!”, you may be a BBW.
6) If you buy your clothes from a store that only has three sizes, large, extra large and oh my god it’s moving, you may be a BBW.
7) If your gynecologist’s bill says safety line, you may be a BBW.
8) If you go to McDonalds, look up at the menu and say OK, you may be a BBW.
9) If you when you walk into a room the mice jump up on the table, you may be a BBW.
10) If you have ever been to the beach and people keep trying to push you out to sea, you may be a BBW.

I don't want to say your BIG but.....

1) Kirsty Alley's Jenny Craig coach called and said WTF?
2) I would need a tank of gas to get around her in a cross walk.
3) This ONE provider than can be in two different cities at one time.
4) When she walks into a room the mice jump up on the table.
5) She goes into McDonalds, looks at the menu and says OK!
6) I'm betting she has had the Jaws Of Life used to get her out of some turn style somewhere.
7) Her gynecologist blocks out an entire day and it needs to be a Friday. He goes mountain climbing on weekends that way he's good to go for the weekend.
8) She once went horseback riding, that was one pissed horse!
9) At Halloween they throw a sheet on her and she goes out as a glacier.
10) When she says she wants you, she isn't talking about Sex!

Is this the right time to bring these back?
Still Looking's Avatar
SL’S TOP 10 You Know Your Fat & Ugly When

1) You know you’re ugly when if after an accident the ambulance takes you to an animal clinic.
2) You know you’re ugly when you pay a hooker but still have to beg to have sex.
3) You know you’re ugly when people at Walmart ask if they can take your picture.
4) You know you’re ugly when you have Olympic sex, every four years.
5) You know you’re ugly when kids go out at Halloween looking like you.
6) You know you’re ugly when you walk up to the makeup counter at the mall, and the girls says “Holly Shit!”
7) You know you are ugly when someone reaches down to pet your cat, but it’s actually the hair on your legs.
8) You know you’re ugly when you had to put a bag on your head and one on the dog so he would hump your leg.
9) You know you’re ugly when you have scared a blind person without ever making a sound.
10) You know you’re ugly when you were born your parents named you “Shit Happens”.
Still Looking's Avatar


Pink Floyd's Avatar
As a spinner fanatic I would choose the women below in this order
1. - #1
2. - #4
3. - #3
4. - #2