Election Year?? Rise in Arrests?? any coincidence??

parisdivine's Avatar

Is it me? Does it seem that during an election year ... it seems like its hunting season for us ??
Rochester NY
Albany NY
My gosh you'd think we were doing something wrong!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Just keeping the streets safe.
Meanwhile on Ave D two were shot in a drive by, one stabbed over a drug deal gone wrong and three car jackings at the mall.
Happens every year, all over the country
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I think in many areas it's usually "hot" but I think it gets worse election yr yes.
awl4knot's Avatar
I truly doubt that elections have much to do with LE activity. In my state the local DA's are appointed for seven year terms and don't face re-election pressures. More importantly, the local police, who initiate the arrests, are pretty independent from the politicians.

Now maybe local pols in some areas boast about increased prostitution arrests but in most areas I would think that drugs and crimes of violence garner more headlines than popping a couple of h**kers at the Motel 6.

My thesis is the legend of election year enforcement is a product of general paranoia inflamed by disaffection for politicians. The "legend" is either proved or disproved by reliable statistics (are there any?) and not by a few arrests or anecdotes.

Just be careful and find another reason to hate politicians and cops. It shouldn't be hard.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
No, it is not a coincidence. It always gets like this around this time of year.
It makes headlines and it says ..Look what i did to help clean up the city...and its an easy sting and a place the LE can always go and find so called "criminal activity" so around election time your always going to have an upswing of stings and arrests.
You just need to be extra careful and screen clients and clients need to double check providers and stick with independent providers and leave BP alone....most of the Le activity comes off of boards like BP and CL .
It sounds like we might want to take it easy for a few weeks.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Well since cops are pretty much a lazy bunch who avoid risk at all costs... Yes.. They would much prefer to bust a lady selling ass vs risk getting shot at busting a house where illegal substances are made and sold and even used. And it is always so funny when they bust the Asian MP's around here.. The news always leads the story with "It was a months long investigation"... Yeah they all had to get laid a couple of times on the taxpayers dime just to be sure.....