Bounced check in Oklahoma

  • wd420
  • 10-19-2012, 10:33 AM
Provider friend got a bad check for a multi hour session. Now she needs to go to LE to file complaint. But you can only file if it was for a product or service she provided.
Is escort service legal in Oklahoma?
Any suggestions on what she should do?
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Wow...... I don't know which is worse. Accepting a check, or writing a check.
I'm no lawyer, but I have worked for a business who, when they had hot checks, in Oklahoma, all they had to do was take it to the district attorney. The DA handles hot checks.
Accepting a cheque from a client ...bad bad idea...Is she going to start letting them give her I owe yous on a post-it note next?
pyramider's Avatar
Damn, this is a hoot.
I’m not an attorney, but common sense should come into play somewhere on this matter. It seems obvious to me that your friend runs the risk of opening up a can of worms if she takes the matter to court. The potential ramifications and consequences that could possibly emerge from this far outweigh the cash value of the check.
Sometimes life’s lesson’s don’t come cheap

[QUOTE=wd420;1051770190]Provider friend got a bad check for a multi hour session. Now she needs to go to LE to file complaint. But you can only file if it was for a product or service she provided.
Is escort service legal in Oklahoma?
  • wd420
  • 10-19-2012, 01:20 PM
No she knew better. It was the first and only time she took a check.
Evidently the guy checked out and they had mutual acquaintances. He was talking up a sugar baby arrangement.
She mentioned going to the DA, but is escort service legal in OK?
DA will only get involved if the check was for a product or service.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER take a check! I had some schmuck try that on me, offered me WAY more than I asked, and I did not fall for it. He did leave me the check, saying how it will show what a good guy he is, EVEN THOUGH HE GOT NOTHING FROM ME. I took it to the bank it was drawn from and behold! The account was closed! I didn't lose much of anything, except for the time and gas it took to find out what I already knew. NO CHECKS, EVER!
She might wanna call a lawyer and ask. If you wanna pm me, I know of a lawyer in OKC who has experience with adult entertainers, who could probably answer that question of legality.
Why does she have to explain the services? It could be for housecleaning, carwashing, walking the dog, etc. If he wrote & signed a check to her (did he use her real name?), then it's binding. The problem is that if he left the "pay to" blank, and she filled it in, then it becomes her word against his (she found/took the check). Then the reason for services becomes open.
  • wd420
  • 10-19-2012, 03:27 PM
Why does she have to explain the services? It could be for housecleaning, carwashing, walking the dog, etc. If he wrote & signed a check to her (did he use her real name?), then it's binding. The problem is that if he left the "pay to" blank, and she filled it in, then it becomes her word against his (she found/took the check). Then the reason for services becomes open. Originally Posted by papadee
Yes he wrote the check out to her real name.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Why does she have to explain the services? It could be for housecleaning, carwashing, walking the dog, etc. If he wrote & signed a check to her (did he use her real name?), then it's binding. The problem is that if he left the "pay to" blank, and she filled it in, then it becomes her word against his (she found/took the check). Then the reason for services becomes open. Originally Posted by papadee
Well if she goes to the authorities, they are going to ask her what the services were. If she lies to them, then she will be in trouble for making a false statement. If she tells them the truth, she could be putting herself in jeopardy for prosecution.

Is his name on the check? Is it a joint account? Is the address on the check? If so, I would suggest using alternative methods of getting payment. Your friend should call the client back and threaten to out him if he doesn't pay up. With the info on the check, you can find out a lot about a person. Is he married? Where does he work? Etc. I'm sure the client will pay up if he's threatened with being outted to his wife, SO or employer. Sometimes you have to play dirty. Finally, two words-- Jerry Springer. The once mayor of Cincinnati was busted for using a prostitute b/c he paid by check. He probably cost himself a Senate seat and/or the Governorship of Ohio. In the long run, he might have done better for himself financially, but he could have been a governor.
pyramider's Avatar
Is it really worth it? Chalk it up to experience and move on. Put a notice the provider boards and be done with it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Was this a one time payment or is there mortgage on the kitty?
  • wd420
  • 10-19-2012, 05:30 PM
Was this a one time payment or is there mortgage on the kitty? Originally Posted by Still Looking
It was a one time event.
Meeting each other for SD/SB for the first time...4 hours.