Mayor Bloomberg Is Out of His Mind

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now the Nanny Mayor wants hospitals to hide baby formula so mothers will breast feed.

This guy is a nut. Unbelievable.
Why wouldn't you promote sucking of tits?
Gotta start 'em young..
Never mind that that there is noted benefits to children breast feeding .
Hey... But a mom has the right to choose the healthiest option which is free...
She may opt for a $50 can of Similac.
Either way ....$50 fake tit juice SHOuLD be under lock and key.
Hidden .
but a rich nut.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
but a rich nut. Originally Posted by ekim008
yes, an insane one at that.....

he's a democrat pretending to be a Republican.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He stopped pretending a long time ago. Now he is just Boobberg the Just.