Eccie is extremely slow

For 2 days the eccie web site has been very, very slow. Is it my computer or eccie? No other site, including P411 or Eros seems to be affected?????
It's been since last Thursday, darlin. The site went down for a few hours and since then it's intermittently worked. Haven't seen one of the owners post that anything's wrong and the mods say their stuff is working fine... so it must all be in our heads. lol

Hopefully they'll get it fixed. I have 5 browsers I have to go between and it is frustrating.
johnsontedt84's Avatar
I was working for me for about 5 min yesterday, then nothing. All the other sites were working for me too.
Meanascanb's Avatar
I've had the same problem for the last few days. I downloaded Chrome and then opened it up in that. Works like a champ. I'm guessing that IE is to blame here?
test to see if I can even post

edit...working right now

I don't think IE is to blame.

For more than a week I've been having problems and only on cellular.

On two laptop's running XP and Firefox...I never have a problem when connected to wi-fi even att wi-fi. I can run the full eccie site and mobile site w/o a problem.

BUT...I have intermittent problems running either site on my 4g SG4. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. It always downloads...but often I cannot post. I cannot tie it down to anything tower or time or whatever.

Monday morning....I tethered my laptop to my phone...and I had major problems....for the first time ever tethering. I could not post and downloading the main pages hung up on a add...I could see it in the "waiting for...comment." I finally gave up. appears to me that my problem is when I'm connected through 4g to either site and not a problem with my device.
The interwebs are frozen.
tttalinky's Avatar
Mine is super slow, been that way for a few days. Some parts of ECCIE download without any issues......others are unworkable and slow.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
So does anybody know the correct fix for this problem? This is the second day for this problem. Is it a internet explorer 11 problem? But I've had 11 for a few days and there were no issues last week.
tia travels's Avatar
It has to be the site, not "our" computers. Because I'm hearing complaints from folks who use all types of devices and browsers and operating systems that it has to be related all to eccie.

Just give it some time and it will get fixed I'm sure.
But it would be nice if eccie would tell us something. It is, after all, a customer paid site??????????
* deleted *
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
It took under 10 minutes to load this thread. I feel lucky. Painfully slow.
Check out this thread it may help
here is the offending ad site:

I hope someone can get rid of it. For those who are using IE, press F12 and run the user profile experience profiler and post any other offending ad site you see that cause a high level of delay.
OklahomaSooner's Avatar
Took 15 min for this page to load ..... why even bother complaining since seems no one is listening - just sayin