The Federal Reserve on Wednesday said the U.S. economic recovery had lost momentum so far this year...

In November, voters will be asked to answer a very simple question: Do you want Obama in charge of the economy for 4 more years?

The answer will be an overwhelming and very loud "NO".....

- we are worse off now than in 2009
- Obama failed to turn the economy around
- Obama's polcies crushed any chance at a recovery
- Obama is driving us deeper in debt and destroying the American Middle Class dream.

Americans are fed up with an incompetant boob in the White House and will vote him out !
I want Romney for 4 years. You'll see it'll still get worst.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 03:27 PM
the economy is on cruise control, this or the next president is meaningless until the private sector/ middle class jumps in and turns it around ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ICUP, you are right, but it won't get as bad as fast. That's the choice we have. Do we drive the country into the ground in a Corvette, or in a Volt?

Some choice.
If Romney gets elected and the debt and spending problem is addressed, then there will certainly be more pain in the economy, but I also think the economy will take a more positive trajectory with higher growth rates, higher employment levels...but pain is coming no doubt...

I don't know what "into the ground" means; but an apocolyptic end to America is not for certain if we attack the debt and spending.....Obama and the Democrats won't go there freely.....a Romney administration can keep it from happening, but it is not a guarantee.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 03:36 PM
If Romney gets elected and the debt and spending problem is addressed, then there will certainly be more pain in the economy, but I also think the economy will take a more positive trajectory with higher growth rates, higher employment levels...but pain is coming no doubt... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

how much eveidnce do you need ...

Willard is on record having the desire to pass economic policies that INCREASE Obamas debt 25% ...

get your head out of your butt
WW - The debt and spending problem will not be addressed. We've had 60 years of both parties spending and adding to the debt. If you think that the GOP woke up today and will actually behave differently, I'd like some of what you're having because things sure look rosy in your world. The GOP is seizing on the current situation to play it against Obama, and for those with blinders, that strategy will work. Didn't Obama do the same when Bush was looking for increases to the debt ceiling?

But don't worry, Romney is on the case and he'll take care of everything. I admire your faith in the GOP.
I think you are right CJ; and it will take an administration that is not dogmatic to make that happen................

the economy is on cruise control, this or the next president is meaningless until the private sector/ middle class jumps in and turns it around .. Originally Posted by CJ7
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is 0% chance that Obama will effectively address the economy in a second term. There is a 2-3% chance that Romney will effectively address the economy in his first term.

That's your choice, America.

Unless we elect Gary Johnson, and then we can be 100% sure something will be done, even if Congress only sends him bills to veto. He will veto them. And he will introduce a balanced budget from the start. But don't worry, Johnson is "unelectable".
It isn't faith in Romney; it is faith in the American people who have made it clear (the TP) that spending has to be controlled and debt reigned in.....Romney is just the useful tool....

You don't have the faith in the American people that I have I guess.....

You are right, we got into this mess thru decades of bad governance; so the solution will take alot longer than one or several terms of an adminstration; I think we have already started the process of solving the problem......but it will take decades to unwind the destruction both parties have created.

WW - The debt and spending problem will not be addressed. We've had 60 years of both parties spending and adding to the debt. If you think that the GOP woke up today and will actually behave differently, I'd like some of what you're having because things sure look rosy in your world. The GOP is seizing on the current situation to play it against Obama, and for those with blinders, that strategy will work. Didn't Obama do the same when Bush was looking for increases to the debt ceiling?

But don't worry, Romney is on the case and he'll take care of everything. I admire your faith in the GOP. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 03:58 PM
There is 0% chance that Obama will effectively address the economy in a second term. There is a 2-3% chance that Romney will effectively address the economy in his first term.

That's your choice, America.

Unless we elect Gary Johnson, and then we can be 100% sure something will be done, even if Congress only sends him bills to veto. He will veto them. And he will introduce a balanced budget from the start. But don't worry, Johnson is "unelectable". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

how pray tell, can Johnosn circumvent congress with a balanced budget and be 100% effective?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's put him in office and see how he does it. If it doesn't work out, we can elect Romney or Hillary in 2016.

That's fair, isn't it? It's not like things will get any worse with Johnson than it will with Obama or Romney.

So let's elect Johnson. How bad can it be?
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 04:12 PM
Let's put him in office and see how he does it. If it doesn't work out, we can elect Romney or Hillary in 2016.

That's fair, isn't it? It's not like things will get any worse with Johnson than it will with Obama or Romney.

So let's elect Johnson. How bad can it be? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

you shouldnt have to ask how bad could it be since you rail about total demise constantly

Romney is Bush x 3, going on 4 ... nothing in his portfolio of politics says any different

and you and I both think Bush should be in jail.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Total demise is coming, unless we do something very soon. It's very easy to see when you take off your rose-colored glasses.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 04:21 PM
enough with the rose colored glasses bullshit ... you know damn well better than that but you keep on and on
get some new material