KTVU Reports Asiana Air Pilots Were “Sum Ting Wong” and “Ho Lee Fuk”

KTVU Reports the 4 Asiana Air Pilots names....LOL

offshoredrilling's Avatar
were the crack team of "Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow."
4 pilots LOL
What was the anchor woman's name?
Sum Dum Cunt?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
no, but current nick name maybe
Would have been a great prank if people hadn't died. Really shows the flaws of today's media.
Always Horny's Avatar
KTVU Reports the 4 Asiana Air Pilots names....LOL

http://gawker.com/ktvu-reports-asian...-and-759185714 Originally Posted by Celso
And they are getting their asses sued by Asiana for defamation.

The TV station is going to lose bigtime. Wonder how much their defamation insurance is...
the same media that brought us Obummer
"Ho Lee Fuk" sounds more like a provider's name.