Contemporary Oak Wall Unit For Sale in DFW

  • zebra
  • 01-20-2014, 11:01 PM

This is a solid red oak and red oak veneer contemporary king size wall unit from Arbek Mfg. It is an all natural finish that requires regular oiling (lemon or honey oil) to keep it's luster, beauty, and shiny finish. It has numerous hiding places in the headboard, light bridge, and pier cabinets as well as a Kleenex tissue holder shown in the headboard. The width from outside of pier cabinet to outside of pier cabinet is 10' 6".

All the drawers are English dove tailed use European drawer glides.
I've owned it since it was new. Unfortunately during the last move the pier mirrors got broken so the 3 mirrors above the headboard up to the light bridge are not included but any area glass company can cut mirrors to fit.

$ 1500.00 FOB located in west Fort Worth, shown by appointment, weekends only at the moment. Bring 2 or 3 Strong backs with you if you decide you want to take it home with you.

PM me with your e-mail address for more pictures if interested.