DC councilman calls for National Guard to assit with DC crime problems

oilfieldace's Avatar

First I agree with him.

Imagine Trump suggesting that, oh wait he did mobs were destroying the Pacific Northwest and offering 25000 NG to Pelosi and DC mayor prior to 1/6.

I also believe this councilman was singing a different tune a few years back about the use of the National Guard.

Sounds like good use of the NG unless it’s a Republican saying it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So the place is a stinky swamp of effluent? Sounds more like they need to call a plumber.
What a joke. What does he expect the National Guard to do? Law Enforcement isn't their area of training. They might only be good in a crowd control situation.
ICU 812's Avatar
The bad situation is self inflicted and was foreseen and predicted.

So instead of bringing in the National guard, why not bring in more actual police, and clean up the city? Oh and reorganize the judicial side with prosecutors and judges who will back up the police by following the law.
Just what we need. Liberal do gooders putting National Guard troops in no win situations.

The have no police powers. They would simply be there as recipients of insults, thrown bricks, thrown feces, and god knows what else.

These Liberal/Socialist/Progressive Democrats created this mess, let them reap the whirl wind.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...So instead of bringing in the National guard, why not bring in more actual police, and clean up the city? Oh and reorganize the judicial side with prosecutors and judges who will back up the police by following the law. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Nope. They defunded their own police. They can do without a crap-tonne more of other peoples money for a change. Let 'em rot in their own effluent. Let's see how long they can tread water...