
If a man fathers a providers child/children does that make him a daddy or client? does his gift count as child support?
Makes him a dad paying child support. I suppose you could go back to a client relationship after you are back at work, but you'd need to somehow balance the two things.
no not me..a friend of mind is in the situation and i find it a mess and sad and was just curious what it makes him..that is why i posted in this section...I am smarter than to get knocked up by a guy i see and besides i am fixed but still use protection for other reasons...
Makes him a dad paying child support. I suppose you could go back to a client relationship after you are back at work, but you'd need to somehow balance the two things. Originally Posted by Krunkman
shorty's Avatar
Don't take this the wrong way Irish but what was she doing in BB a client or did the condom break? If she was BB him then she knew the consequences. If the condom broke then I do feel sorry for her. This is one profession that their are risks every time for the provider and hobbyist.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Don't take this the wrong way Irish but what was she doing in BB a client or did the condom break? If she was BB him then she knew the consequences. If the condom broke then I do feel sorry for her. This is one profession that their are risks every time for the provider and hobbyist. Originally Posted by shorty
I hear there is such thing called birth control too.
I think what would make him "daddy" is his involvement in the child's life.
He is a "sperm donor" which makes him legally obligated for his fair share of the financial support of the child.
I doubt 'donation' would be used to reduce or offset his obligations. There are questions of 'legality' as well as independent contract work. (for example, just because I am a handy carpenter does not mean I am going to build you a free custom closet just because we enjoy BCD activities. They are two separate things.)

Obviously, I am not capable of giving legal advice across state lines, but that is the general rule.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. This might not be appropriate to say but here it goes.

Back in the old days, and before my time really, "trick baby" was what this was basically referred to.

Old school thoughts were you do what you want, but you shouldn't include the client in your decision. Especially if it was a one time appointment.

Of course, men and women everywhere will cry "foul" and I will understand, but if she got pregnant by a client, I would have a few questions to how she knows that it's that one person, unless he was someone that she wasn't using condoms with.

And let's face the common fact that most of us are with more than one or two men in a week.

Also, most women are on the pill or use double protection from pregnancy while being an escort.

I would have some pretty serious self questions and thoughts before throwing this fire on the belly of a client.


Now, you can throw ME in the flames.

shorty's Avatar
Yes Naomi, she probably was on birth control but ladies do have problems with BC.
shorty's Avatar
Yes, it may seem a little crude but I do agree with EW on every point.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I totally opened this thread thinking it was something on a completely different level... Forgive me I am a naughty girl lol
If you're talking legally, here goes (I'm going to miss a few points):
  1. The law doesn't care how she got pregnant, if there is sufficient evidence to show he is the father, then he'll be ordered to pay child support. DNA tests will probably be conclusive, although in a lot of jurisdictions if he confess the child is his, that is sufficient.
  2. The law assumes both are taking care of birth control issues. No more trick babies.
  3. No, donations don't count toward child support. Child support is an issue all its own, and most courts now enter an order to the non-custodial parent's employer for an automatic withdrawal. If he wants to keep seeing her, it's on his own dime and separate from child support.
  4. He doesn't have to see the kid, ever. But he still has to pay.
  5. You don't need a divorce since you were never married. Either of them can sue for paternity. And either can ask for custody.
I know I didn't get it all, but those are the main points. Bottom line, he's up shit creek and his SO will find out.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Alright. This might not be appropriate to say but here it goes.

Back in the old days, and before my time really, "trick baby" was what this was basically referred to.

Old school thoughts were you do what you want, but you shouldn't include the client in your decision. Especially if it was a one time appointment.

Of course, men and women everywhere will cry "foul" and I will understand, but if she got pregnant by a client, I would have a few questions to how she knows that it's that one person, unless he was someone that she wasn't using condoms with.
And let's face the common fact that most of us are with more than one or two men in a week.

Also, most women are on the pill or use double protection from pregnancy while being an escort.

I would have some pretty serious self questions and thoughts before throwing this fire on the belly of a client.


Now, you can throw ME in the flames.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Brilliant. Well said.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes Naomi, she probably was on birth control but ladies do have problems with BC. Originally Posted by shorty
True but there is always the plan b pill!

Forget to take BC? Plan b is only $80 over the counter. No one should be getting preggerz in this hobby. No offense to anyone.
shorty's Avatar
That is true Naomi! I've heard the side effects are horrible but its better than the alternative.
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
If you're talking legally, here goes (I'm going to miss a few points):
  1. The law doesn't care how she got pregnant, if there is sufficient evidence to show he is the father, then he'll be ordered to pay child support. DNA tests will probably be conclusive, although in a lot of jurisdictions if he confess the child is his, that is sufficient.
  2. The law assumes both are taking care of birth control issues. No more trick babies.
  3. No, donations don't count toward child support. Child support is an issue all its own, and most courts now enter an order to the non-custodial parent's employer for an automatic withdrawal. If he wants to keep seeing her, it's on his own dime and separate from child support.
  4. He doesn't have to see the kid, ever. But he still has to pay.
  5. You don't need a divorce since you were never married. Either of them can sue for paternity. And either can ask for custody.
I know I didn't get it all, but those are the main points. Bottom line, he's up shit creek and his SO will find out. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The whole situation the drizzling #?*!s, the whole beauty of the hobby is the lack of commitment and obligation. Charlestudor, you are spot on. Time does not resolve him of the obligation either. Should the mother wait until the child is 16, she can then have a change of heart and sue for the back child support. Talk about a surprise, 16 years after an encounter getting a certified letter. Try and explain that away!