Texas. Crazy Gun Wackos Encouraged

Roger.Smith's Avatar
I have no problem with guns, I own two. But only up to certain a point. The thing I hate about politics is that making a point overrides common sense.

A jury in Bexar County, Texas just acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of charges that he murdered a 23-year-old Craigslist escort—agreeing that because he was attempting to retrieve the $150 he'd paid to Frago, who wouldn't have sex with him, his actions were justified.
Gilbert had admitted to shooting Lenora Ivie Frago in the neck on Christmas Eve 2009, when she accepted $150 from Gilbert and left his home without having sex with him. Frago, who was paralyzed by the shooting, died several months later.
Gilbert's defense argued that the shooting wasn't meant to kill, and that Gilbert's actions were justified, because he believed that sex was included as part of the fee. Texas law allows people "to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft."
The 30-year-old hugged his defense attorneys after the "not guilty" verdict was read by the judge. If convicted, he could have faced life in prison. He thanked God, his lawyers, and the jury for being able to "see what wasn't the truth."

I understand the legal argument that was made, but it seems really excessive. If you're going to rip someone off, do it during the day. I wonder if he would have been acquitted using anything other than a gun.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I need to find an email address for Donice and forward the link,

What stuns me about this is that it appears he was attempting to commit a misdemeanor crime (prostitution) when he first paid her and even though it was at night in his own home, I find it disturbing that his action of shooting her wasn't found to be a violation of the law but I am not a lawyer.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Roger.Smith: If you post about this in the legal forum, I'll respond.

rz7crs's Avatar
ShysterJon's Avatar
The thread Roger.Smith posted in the legal forum is here:

natasteewsym's Avatar
There are quite a few important details omitted here. Typical..... It seems the American public has learned nothing from Tawana Brawley, nor the Duke Lacrosse case, nor George Zimmerman, Joe Horn, Bernie Goetz.....

This worthless thief got what she deserved. I hope the last few months of her worthless life were in constant agony.