Do you write a review if the session was bad?

pickupkid's Avatar
a yes



ddon't care
As a provider.. if it was just that you two didnt mesh well.. its really no ones fault and no reason to write a review. But if she was rude, bad hygiene, pimp, upsell or just a pillow princess.. something that could be a risk for all men.. i say write one!!
abcxyz's Avatar
a- thats why were all here, to know the good AND bad
geecue's Avatar
If it is a rip off or something to that effect. When I have an appt. that we just did not click have a real tough time writing one. There are sometimes where you just do not click, if the lady is nice and we do not click usually do not write a bad review. Usually if you do not click you did not do enough homework to see if we were going to hit it off. IMO
You should only write a bad review if the provider had a bad attitude, tried to upsell, bad hygien or had fac pics or services were not as advertised.

If the experience is bad due to bad chemistry then oh well no need to bash anyon for that.
shorty's Avatar
Only time I would write a bad review would be if there was a bait and switch, tremendous upselling, pimp lurking around, guns, or drugs involved. I wouldn't bash a lady if we didn't click or service wasn't up to my expectations.
canuckvic's Avatar
It depends on the session. Was it bad because we had no chemistry - sorry not her fault. Was it bad because I didn't like the way she does a blowjob - thats her style and doesn't deserve a bad review. Was it bad because she was late for the appointment by 15 minutes plus, was on the phone throughout the session, had way too much to drink and was not coherent, that stuff will get her a bad review from me.
I will always be honest in my reviews and suggest that things were ymmv and didn't work out for me, etc. if it was things like no chemistry, her looks didn't do anything for me and so on. She will only get a true bad review from me if it was something that she can control but chose not to and was rude, etc.
If you are going do a review, you should do a review. If the session good say so, if not say so. That is the whole point of a review. IMHO If you are only giving positive reviews you are just advertising your favorites. I would see it no differently than the movie critics quoted in the commercials for the movie. They all say something to the effect it was "the best film of the year." They only used the positive reviews of which the ones they use may be the only ones. The are promoting their product, they aren't going to be objective. So I wouldn't rely on those critics to make a choice.
A true review should reflect your experience good and/or bad. That being said, a bad review doesn't have to be mean but it should be honest. I once had an encounter that didn't go as well as I hoped. It was nobody's fault, we got along just fine but things just didn't go well. If I had written a review I would not have discouraged others from seeing her or said anything negative about her but I would describe the experience and what I did or didn't like about it.

All lot of reviews tend to exaggerate to put both the lady and the review in a positive light. Like the ones that list 15 positions and multiple pops in a 30 min session. Maybe the guy is sex machine or maybe he just want everyone to think he is.

I tend to find the negative reviews more helpful as long as they are not just taking cheap shots but those tend to be easy to spot.

If in a review you describe the lady as too passive and you didn't like that why is that bad? Guys who like passive women will see that as a good thing, guys who like the wild will know what to expect.

The "she looks better than her pictures" statement in a review sound positive but since just about everyone says that about anyone the like it doesn't carry as much weight. If every other review didn't say that it might be more helpful.

Too many positive reviews tend to be overly flowery , and unfortunately too many bad reviews are written by people while they are mad and end up more mean-spirited.
Still Looking's Avatar
YES! It is what it is! Recently I have read some bad reviews on an in particular provider. I met this young lady several times. NEVER had an issue and she even went OVER the top as far as service. Each session went over in time and we keep in touch. What blows me away is the YMMV thing. I think we can do without some of those reviews. Also I find it interesting when I read how much the “PROVIDER” enjoyed the session. Multiple O’S, 5,6 7….. “The juices were flowing while I was DATY. It was running down my neck, along my back, through my butt crack and into a 5 gallon bucket that had to be emptied 3 times!” This was a 30 minute session! LOL

Also it is very challenging to hear from providers that hobbyist demand a full hour of horizontal mambo even if that takes two hours to get it! Then they use the "Bad Review" as a threat to get what they want. Rest assured this gets around. Providers share this information with other providers as well as with other hobbyists. These guys are very easy to spot. They bash other hobbyists reviews at every turn and complain about prices being too high. They ridicule other hobbyist hobby habits as well. Then there are the hobbyist that make demands and promise a "great review" and NEVER post one.

I run into "new" providers a lot who tell stories of hobbyist taking advantage of their newness.

Obviously there are some shitty providers out there as well as some shitty hobbyist. They keep us all on our toes.
Having a less than satisfactory session whether is be chemistry or not still warrants a review. It's all about that individuals experience after all.
I think a lot of guys who have "bad" sessions wind up chalking it up to YMMV or "chemistry." And they write a good review because those are "acceptable" norms. BS. If it is a "bad" session, the review should reflect that, yet the guys don't write that way. Plus, guys might think it is their skills that caused the "bad" session, or they don't don't want to write a bad review for fear of being turned down for future appointments from other ladies.

So, what you have is a bunch of "good" reviews of ladies out there that are misleading. For sure, if she doesn't have "chemistry" with you, she may not have chemistry with a lot of guys. Your review should reflect that.

If you felt the YMMV factor was extremely limited, your review should reflect that also. She may be doing that with every guy. In which case it really isn't YMMV, it's poor service.

My advice: don't give the lady any benefit of the doubt. If you weren't happy with the session, write a review that way and be done with it. Don't pull any punches. You're not doing your fellow hobbyists or the ladies any favors by white washing your reviews.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive heard from ladies that if a guy has quite a few no's they will not see him, It screams hard to please or worse
I think a lot of guys who have "bad" sessions wind up chalking it up to YMMV or "chemistry." And they write a good review because those are "acceptable" norms. BS. If it is a "bad" session, the review should reflect that, yet the guys don't write that way. Plus, guys might think it is their skills that caused the "bad" session, or they don't don't want to write a bad review for fear of being turned down for future appointments from other ladies.

So, what you have is a bunch of "good" reviews of ladies out there that are misleading. For sure, if she doesn't have "chemistry" with you, she may not have chemistry with a lot of guys. Your review should reflect that.

If you felt the YMMV factor was extremely limited, your review should reflect that also. She may be doing that with every guy. In which case it really isn't YMMV, it's poor service.

My advice: don't give the lady any benefit of the doubt. If you weren't happy with the session, write a review that way and be done with it. Don't pull any punches. You're not doing your fellow hobbyists or the ladies any favors by white washing your reviews. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Keep in mind when reading reviews that reflect the YMMV and him thinking he didnt get his. I have had this happen once... I usually am game for whatever he wants.. but when there is foul odor or other extreme hygiene issues... YMMV! You guys would be the same way if SHE had funk odor.
Usually my YMMV is just limited to greek.... lol its hard to shove something the size of a fence post up there. LOL!!!

Ive heard from ladies that if a guy has quite a few no's they will not see him, It screams hard to please or worse Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I agree. It screams hard to please. I tend to see how they describe the lady. There are 2 ways to describe a lady, including issues of weight or mommy damage. A respectful way and a just plain mean way. If he does it in a harsh mean way... my gut tells me he isnt someone that is real respectful of a lady. I prefer the gentlemen. You can get the same message across just respect the lady.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Exactly Lacy, Ive seen words used in a review Id never heard of (hail damage?)in my life. It shows the caliber of person you would be dealing with to me, a lot I have seen were just comical, I was surprised they didn't put "she had one toe a little longer than the others on her right foot and I think one ear was lower that the other so guys beware!" lol

Ive heard from ladies that if a guy has quite a few no's they will not see him, It screams hard to please or worse Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
That's just being plain inartful. There are ways of reflecting honesty in a review without giving a "no." When I did reviews, I gave a "yes" to every lady that did the deed. That, to me, is the bottom line. Reservations about service can be delineated in other parts of the review.

Keep in mind when reading reviews that reflect the YMMV and him thinking he didnt get his. I have had this happen once... I usually am game for whatever he wants.. but when there is foul odor or other extreme hygiene issues... YMMV! You guys would be the same way if SHE had funk odor.
Usually my YMMV is just limited to greek.... lol its hard to shove something the size of a fence post up there. LOL!!!

I agree. It screams hard to please. I tend to see how they describe the lady. There are 2 ways to describe a lady, including issues of weight or mommy damage. A respectful way and a just plain mean way. If he does it in a harsh mean way... my gut tells me he isnt someone that is real respectful of a lady. I prefer the gentlemen. You can get the same message across just respect the lady. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
YMMV: I read this differently. I read it as, "all hobbyists being equal, your mileage may vary." Which means I can be spic-n-span, but still not get the same service as someone else. I'm not a real fan of Greek, so that doesn't matter to me. I was with one lady whose pussy smelled like shit, and I got out as soon as the odor hit me. She did fuck, so she got a "yes."

Too many "no's": I think that is a reasonable inference. Like I said, if she does the deed, she gets a "yes" from me, even if the session itself sucks. I had a session (early in my hobbying) where I saw a BP girl, and she was there for a 15 minute "one and done" session, and left. I would not have given her a "no" because I felt like we did not agree in the beginning what the business terms were. It was open to interpretation. That is why I now only see ladies with whom I think the agreement is there in the beginning.