
As an independent I am sick of all you rights and lefts, Dems and rrrrs. Trying to defend your party or TEAR down your opponent.
The last 16 years have been a cluster fuck between Obamacare and Bush I'm too dumb to care I hope Hilary runs. Bill's 8 years were the best I experienced.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 11:04 AM
As an independent I am sick of all you rights and lefts, Dems and rrrrs. Trying to defend your party or TEAR down your opponent.
The last 16 years have been a cluster fuck between Obamacare and Bush I'm too dumb to care I hope Hilary runs. Bill's 8 years were the best I experienced. Originally Posted by mtnitlion

she will, and she'll win... when she does, and will, you better get used to being sick of the right defending their bullshit for another 8 years ... personally I'm looking forward to another republican presidential candidate getting an asswhipping by a WOMAN Dem ... and there's not a damn thing they can do about it

As an independent I am sick of all you rights and lefts, Dems and rrrrs. Trying to defend your party or TEAR down your opponent.
The last 16 years have been a cluster fuck between Obamacare and Bush I'm too dumb to care I hope Hilary runs. Bill's 8 years were the best I experienced. Originally Posted by mtnitlion
What are your expectations of Hillary? To deliver us from evil ,yeah right. Hillary and Bill just like old times, can't wait.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to go along with Mojo on this. You voted for Obama because he looked like the Messiah to save you from all of the woes of Bush (most of which were created with democrats) and now you are going to make Hillary the Second Coming in order to save you from the woes of Obama. Don't you guys ever learn?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 01:06 PM
I have to go along with Mojo on this. You voted for Obama because he looked like the Messiah to save you from all of the woes of Bush (most of which were created with democrats) and now you are going to make Hillary the Second Coming in order to save you from the woes of Obama. Don't you guys ever learn? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I voted for Obie just to keep Willard as far away from government as possible, and to give idiots like you something else to be confused about

mission accomplished on both counts
daty/o's Avatar
As an independent I am sick of all you rights and lefts, Dems and rrrrs. Trying to defend your party or TEAR down your opponent.
The last 16 years have been a cluster fuck between Obamacare and Bush I'm too dumb to care I hope Hilary runs. Bill's 8 years were the best I experienced. Originally Posted by mtnitlion
Wait, didn't the Bush lickers tell you? Every one of those years was due to the previous 8. Funny how that always seems to be the case.

she will, and she'll win... when she does, and will, you better get used to being sick of the right defending their bullshit for another 8 years ... personally I'm looking forward to another republican presidential candidate getting an asswhipping by a WOMAN Dem ... and there's not a damn thing they can do about it

Originally Posted by CJ7
Another 8 years of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but trying to undermine the existing administration. How proud they must be.
I have to go along with Mojo on this. You voted for Obama because he looked like the Messiah to save you from all of the woes of Bush (most of which were created with democrats) and now you are going to make Hillary the Second Coming in order to save you from the woes of Obama. Don't you guys ever learn? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who is going to be your "savior" from the dems?
I have to go along with Mojo on this. You voted for Obama because he looked like the Messiah to save you from all of the woes of Bush (most of which were created with democrats) and now you are going to make Hillary the Second Coming in order to save you from the woes of Obama. Don't you guys ever learn? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As Americans the majority of us have still a lot to learn. One thing I've learned over the years, is the guy who can truly be of benefit to this country will never be elected. We base our decisions politically on the Right, Left Paradigm. You have an illusion of choice. Think of it like this. If there was an election on Gasoline and the only choices to be made was you could buy as much Gas as you want at Twenty Dollars a Gallon or you could purchase gas for five dollars a gallon but the catch would be you can only buy one gallon at a time. You have a choice but they are crappy ones for the majority of Americans who need gas to power their vehicles. Sounds crazy and it is, kind of like the Political scene today.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 01:20 PM
As Americans the majority of us have still a lot to learn. One thing I've learned over the years, is the guy who can truly be of benefit to this country will never be elected. We base our decisions politically on the Right, Left Paradigm. You have an illusion of choice. Think of it like this. If there was an election on Gasoline and the only choices to be made was you could buy as much Gas as you want at Twenty Dollars a Gallon or you could purchase gas for five dollars a gallon but the catch would be you can only buy one gallon at a time. You have a choice but they are crappy ones for the majority of Americans who need gas to power their vehicles. Sounds crazy and it is, kind of like the Political scene today.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

simplicity at its finest, but its too deep for the professor
daty/o's Avatar
As Americans the majority of us have still a lot to learn. One thing I've learned over the years, is the guy who can truly be of benefit to this country will never be elected. We base our decisions politically on the Right, Left Paradigm. You have an illusion of choice. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I agree, to an extent. Unfortunately, the American people have been maneuvered into voting like it was professional athletics. The best person for the job is ultimately going to be a moderate or independent who can run this country for what it is, a business.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-01-2014, 01:44 PM
Wait, didn't the Bush lickers tell you? Every one of those years was due to the previous 8. Funny how that always seems to be the case.

Another 8 years of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but trying to undermine the existing administration. How proud they must be. Originally Posted by daty/o

I never said Hildabeast would do a damn thing, I said she would win and theres nothing the fucking republicans can do about it
LovingKayla's Avatar
You're probably correct. The republicans will get totally spanked if they put ANYONE that's already in the establishment against Hillary. I don't even think rand can beat her.

Reluctantly I agree that bill was the best years and it was Hillary that ran the country then too.
daty/o's Avatar
I never said Hildabeast would do a damn thing, I said she would win and theres nothing the fucking republicans can do about it Originally Posted by CJ7
I not only think she will win, I hope she does. She has my vote. And I do think she will get things accomplished. Are there better people for the job? Absolutely, but neither of the existing parties have a clue who they are.
As of this moment, BT's 2016 vote is "TRENDING" HILLARY!

Trendy, can you hear me now?
You're probably correct. The republicans will get totally spanked if they put ANYONE that's already in the establishment against Hillary. I don't even think rand can beat her.

Reluctantly I agree that bill was the best years and it was Hillary that ran the country then too. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Bill Clinton's fame was attributed to the surplus he left behind when he left office. He was also successful in balancing the budget. Those accomplishments were certainly important. So important that no one cares anything about Clinton's short comings because the Clinton years for most Americans were the best. But Bill did have a dark side especially during his years as Arkansas Governor and he toted that with him to the White House. When I say dark side, I mean real dark, just sit back and think of the worst things a person can do and get himself into Bill's been there and done it.
