Rushed Visits, Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Are you gents okay with in and out rushed to the point visits? Or do you prefer to linger and unwind? I'm interested to see what the preference of the majority is.

Has life just become to fast paced that very few have the time just to let it all go and just relax? Let time stand still and the the world disappear, even if just for an hour?
I usually rush myself out the door. I don't want to take a provider's time as well as I usually have somewhere else to be. If I do have the time, I do like to unwind and get the most out of the appointment. However, that solely depends on the provider. Notably, those providers are GFE. I guess the same can be said for golf; sometimes I just don't have time to play a full round.
TeddyRuxpin225's Avatar
I like to chat, but I also wouldn't want to just waste your time. I'm laid back so as long as I'm getting the time I paid for I'm fine with being shooed away lol.
I'm definitely not into being rushed and prefer at least 90 min to 3hr appointments for that very reason.
I enjoy taking in the beauty of a woman .the smell of her hair ..the soft skin.. The caress of the body laying around after the fact is very enjoyable if its with the right woman.
Now if the session doesn't go good ...and there's no chemistry...escape as fast as u
I leave that up to the provider. I only see MSOG providers so I don't mind getting right to the action with just a little talk. Most of the conversation time I've had with providers is after the first round. Then it's depends on the conversation etc until round two. If there are no other activities after that I leave it up to her to say when she has to go or to let me know my time is up or she has another client. One way or another I find the provider will let you know if she wants to hang out for awhile.
Sometimes I give off the "I want to get going" vibe just because once the hunger is slaked, the "worry about getting caught" starts to set-in . . . it usually happens when I let the little head take over and write me a weak cover story so that I don't have to wait to play. I linger much more comfortably when playing out of town on a business trip or if the wife is out of town.
rogerdodger's Avatar
I would prefer a longer non-rushed experience. it becomes an economic vs. psychological dilemma - the more anxious I feel about anything the less I enjoy the experience. and IMO, unless I'm getting a quick BnG, I prefer to meet with someone who can become somewhat of an enchantress or sorts ... rather than something else.
Life has become too hectic and rushed for a lot of people,everyone needs to be able to just sit back and smell the roses or watch the sunset and take it all in. I am a very laid back person and i can relax very easily and soak in the moment. When i am with a provider i have no desire to be rushed, i like to think of myself as the turtle,take my time and enjoy every minute, when my time is up i have NP leaving, but if the provider wanted to just chat and giggle i could do that to.
I'm considerate of the ladies time. I'm not going to linger around if she has plans. Let's be honest time is money. If she wants to talk I don't mind sticking around longer. I don't like to be rushed either. Spending 30 minutes on a 60 minute appointment is no fun.
If I feel comfortable and the young lady seems comfortable I will stay and chat and have even taken one provider for coffee after. If the provider starts picking up and cleaning etc. While I am getting dressed and doesn't seem engaged then I get what I paid for and leave. It all depends on the vibe I get. I have even had a visit or two where the only words spoken were hi, "oh yeah, right there" "oh my god" and bye.
muzikman's Avatar
I like a little conversation before we get started. I'm not a bang and go guy. But I also don't want to over stay my visit either.
breastfan's Avatar
I for one like to linger and unwind, love to cuddle after with or without some small talk.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think the concept of rushing might be relative to whether one is paying or receiving $$$ per hour. I have trouble relaxing when thats the price tag on being nice to me.
george621's Avatar
Personally I don't go for less than an hour and go for longer when I can afford it. I like to relax, get to know the girl a bit and cuddle.
giantbourbon's Avatar
+1. I'm only interested in GFE, with emphasis on the "E." It's the experience I'm looking for. I need to be able to get to know the girl before we move on to the activities and to have some kiss 'n cuddle time after. An hour is usually barely enough for me, I much prefer 90 minutes or more.

On a related note, "GFE" from a provider is as much or more about her attitude than her menu. A full menu delivered mechanically is not GFE for me; and I recently had a great experience with a girl who was CBJ only, no BBBJ but truly made me feel like she was my girlfriend. That's what keeps me coming back to give her my money.