review specials

NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Is it just me or do the fellas just want the review specials with no review or do you guys just like to take your time to post the reviews. Just a question not intended for anyone. Only asking others opinions.

jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 08-25-2014, 12:58 AM
Unfortunately, some guys do take the review specials and never write the reviews. Others may intend to and just forget. Have you contacted these guys to remind them to keep up their end of the deal?

Also, in the future, it may be a good idea to promise a discount after they do the review. Might have better luck that way.
Max Steed's Avatar
Have you contacted these guys to remind them to keep up their end of the deal? Originally Posted by jan-w

Although I would prefer to be discounted at said appointment, maybe you can be more selective in who you award the review specials to, weighing how long they've been a member and how often they review.

Example: Member for 2yrs and 3 reviews would probably require more skepticism to them actually writing a review.

Not that you can't still offer them one but you can just give them a partial discount and the other half on return.
gimme_that's Avatar
At the very least those guys could just post a quick post in coed saying I saw her and I had an excellent time......haven't had time to finish my review yet but I will....... Or something........
If I received a review special I would fell obligated to write a review.
On review specials....How much weight does a
bought and purchased review
Towboat_love's Avatar
I usually try to get my reviews in with then a week. Unless the lady is traveling for a limited time. I usually do it the same day..because the more her name is mentioned while she is in town the better it is for her. Correct me if I'm wrong that's the whole point of a review special.?
Is it just me or do the fellas just want the review specials with no review or do you guys just like to take your time to post the reviews. Just a question not intended for anyone. Only asking others opinions.

Nikki Originally Posted by NikkiSecrets
We just want specials...................ike BBBJ.....

If I received a review special I would fell obligated to write a review. Originally Posted by browntiger
gimme_that's Avatar
I wonder if a review special would ever turn into a no recommendation. Like if you saw herr an she was less than stellar or not to yourliking performance wise......would a no be warrranted or acceptable......or should you just fluff the review and be glad you didn't pay full price for a half hearted session.
I wonder if a review special would ever turn into a no recommendation. Like if you saw herr an she was less than stellar or not to yourliking performance wise......would a no be warrranted or acceptable......or should you just fluff the review and be glad you didn't pay full price for a half hearted session. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I'm betting your fellow hobbyist would rather an honest review than a bogus one. No matter if the review 'special' was bought or not
giantbourbon's Avatar
I don't necessarily post a review on every girl I see, because by now I have enough premium credit to last for quite a while. But if I'm asked to post a review, I certainly will, and it will be an honest one. Agencies, especially, rely on reviews for promotion. They insist that I write an honest review, and I always do.

When a lady requests a review from me she should know that it'll be an honest assessment of my experience with her, with the focus on her attitude, her performance and how well we clicked together. In another life, I'm a professional writer so the lady can count on a review that is written in correct English, with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. I don't write to brag about my exploits; I write to inform and entertain. That's what a review should be about.

And of course, it's all fiction anyway. Right?
Really? Its not like she reads the review and THEN you have a session.

If your time w/ her sucked, or the pics fake, or the services not as advertised you won't be going back, right?

So WHY would you write a good review? No reason at all.

I really like review specials.

And, I would certainly write an honest review, from my standpoint, including that it was a discounted visit.

I've seen lots of review specials that say "yeah for the $200, it was worth it but not more" or something to that effect.

I've also seen lots of great traveling talent based on the dog's recommendations. I know who to follow in this pack - at least for me.

And yes, especially if they are traveling, post RIGHT away
giantbourbon's Avatar
I'm not sure if I understand your point, Gregster. The reason to write a "good" review is simply to inform other members that you had a positive experience with a particular provider, with some idea of what made it positive for you. That said, if I'm asked to write a review, whether it be for a "review special" discount or otherwise, it's just that: a review. Not necessarily a "good" review. It's up to the provider to make the experience a good one, so that my review will reflect it. I've been lucky that nearly all of my experiences in this hobby have been positive ones. I stand by my reviews, as I know you do also- you have a great reputation for honesty in your reviews. That's what we owe each other as hobbyists.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Is it just me or do the fellas just want the review specials with no review or do you guys just like to take your time to post the reviews. Just a question not intended for anyone. Only asking others opinions.

Nikki Originally Posted by NikkiSecrets
Umm, your friend Asia reminded me about FIVE TIMES to do the review. LOL I get nagged worse in hobby-life than real-life sometimes--what IS it w/the double-x chromosomes & bossiness? But to actually answer your question: when I say I'll do a review, I try to do it w/in the next 24 hrs. & I usually tell the girl what my time-line will be (in case I won't be able to do it right away--if I can't for several days I'll definitely say something so she knows ahead of time). Let me know when your friend comes back--I liked her. As nagging goes--I've had worse from girls who weren't as nice.

On review specials....How much weight does a
bought and purchased review
hold? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
P: usually it's only $20 off or so--enough to be an incentive for you to agree to spend 30 mins. or so w/a decent Bloody Mary & an omelet & some good coffee on a weekend morning to type it, but not enough of an incentive to make a terrible session a good one & then write about it, then have the next 10 guys who relied on the review PM you saying, "Dude--WTF was up w/THAT s**t?! You lyin' mutha-f***a!.." Granted, it's the inter-web & we're (relatively--RE-LA-TIVE-LY) anonymous, but you still can't write complete-&-total BS over a long period of time w/o someone calling you on it EVENTUALLY.

I wonder if a review special would ever turn into a no recommendation. Like if you saw herr an she was less than stellar or not to yourliking performance wise......would a no be warrranted or acceptable......or should you just fluff the review and be glad you didn't pay full price for a half hearted session. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I've done review specials from BP girls & then really not wanted to recommend the girl. The most recent time that happened to me w/someone on ECCIE was w/a visiting Houston provider in early 2013. Just from the recommendation alone you can probably figure out which girl it was. She was a member here but really--the session sucked & she jerked me around on the schedule. No attempt to make it up in any way--until after the review when she said, "Why didn't you tell me there was a problem?" & I thought, "I shouldn't have to tell you to bathe first or have to tell you not to NC/NS me @ our appointment time." Little head was thinking that night... still smdh on that one.