Can someone enlighten me...

As to why a provider offers an in call special for a low amount, and then upsells the heck out of a gentlemen for more money?? Why not just say my rates are so and so for 1 hour, and be done with it. If the upsell ending rate becomes $200.00 , why just not advertise $200.00 in the 1st place if you know that is the rate you are looking for??

Any providers/ hobbyist have any thoughts on this topic??
I am curious to see what others have to say.

Because it's working for the provider i'm guessing.
Obviously (some) guys are falling for the upsell.

Why not just advertise a 200 rate?? It's like Dr. Phil
says 'either you get it or you don't' she doesn't 'get it' but
she thinks she does.
Some providers make it hard on themselves.

My guess is someone has taught her this way. It's the only way she knows
pornodave69's Avatar
The cheap rate gets the guys in the door. Once they're there it's hard to leave knowing they just dropped $X and they're not getting the service they expected. The girl already has the money so it's either pay more to get what you want, walk out and lose the money or get the crappy service at the cheaper rate.

If they guys don't want to pay more, she does less and still makes whatever cheaper rate she was advertising. To her she probably thinks she's doing less for more money.
as a provider i get so sick of hearing the word special..... who the fuck even came up with that.... i dont offer "specials" but if i had to lable something a special and offer a lower rate, it would be the bare minimum..... which would be me just laying there.... bj'd would cost more, fetishes cost more, and so on, if i were badgered into offering a "special" u get what u pay for...... and sometimes being cheap isnt whats best
DallasRain's Avatar
The cheap rate gets the guys in the door. Once they're there it's hard to leave knowing they just dropped $X and they're not getting the service they expected. The girl already has the money so it's either pay more to get what you want, walk out and lose the money or get the crappy service at the cheaper rate.

If they guys don't want to pay more, she does less and still makes whatever cheaper rate she was advertising. To her she probably thinks she's doing less for more money. Originally Posted by pornodave69
ditto.....these type gals do not care about their reputation OR their client...they just wanna make a quick buck and be done till the next sucker comes along.
rogerdodger's Avatar
I would like to think the prudent purchaser of services would be totally informed of the provider's service levels and expected compensation prior to engagement. anyone who is not doing that is simply stupid and deserves what is received. pretty simple to me.

pick someone who you like - appearance, acknowledged performance, fee level, and location. like a shampoo - lather, rinse, repeat. if something is not up to a service purchaser's expectations, that should be announced and published. some people have unreal expectations on both sides of the equation., lol. I see everyone's point.. But after reading over and over again about guys getting ripped off for their extra pocket money, cc's ect. It would make logical sense to me that they only bring what they are going to spend to the in call.

I don't want to make this a thread about rates per say as we have beaten that horse to death already... it just makes more sense to me that if you need to make whatever amount per call, then just advertise that rate on your ad.. guys will either pay it, or they will move on.. I thank everyone for their useful insite..
That's the good thing about the free market. They get to do what works for them and their customers and everyone else does to.

I can only conclude that they do it b/c it works - for them.

We can all sit back and be a critic, but its not really for us to say.

If you want to see a girl/client w/o research - you have assumed more risk than I like. If you like to purchase - "ad ons" - well, if they are offered, go for it.

Every part of life has this. Every buy a new car? Ever spend 30 minutes explaining why you don't want a whole ton of extra stuff after the deal is "done".?

Clearly, some guys hobby on price. So, some girls offer a low price point - for whatever reason that is where they get calls.

I know, for me personally, 1/2 through a blow job, I really want to fuck. And, if she says "$50 more...." I just may say yes, even though I showed up and agreed to a BnG. Its biology. I dunno. For this reason, I avoid girls w/ a rep for upcharging or pressure selling.

I don't mind being asked once. Heck, I even ask sometimes. But, I like to stay on budget, mostly.

I don't condemn those that do this - I just personally try and avoid the "pros"
I do ask a lot, I also GIVE a lot. And its all inclusive, none of the nickle and dime. If it works for other ladies, that's great. Personally, I would rather give a gentleman a fantastic, no-buyers-remorse, experience.
DallasRain's Avatar
I ask a little and give ALOT.....My menu is probably more wide open and all inclusive than other other woman

{and you will NEVER hear me whine on this board that I need money to pay my bills or I need some calls....I do very well for myself and think that if a gal has to whine and beg for money/dates,she is doing everything wrong!}

I feel that my price & menu structure works for me....but may not work for someone else.That is the beauty of the reputable providers here...there is a girl to fit EVERY guys taste & budget....

It is all about researching to make sure you are getting what you want without getting scammed!

I can only conclude that they do it b/c it works - for them. Originally Posted by gregster
That's my guess