Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

How low can you stoop?

DORAL, Fla. — Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power’s cyberspying on a secretary of state’s correspondence.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, staring directly into the cameras. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Mr. Trump’s call was an extraordinary moment at a time when Russia is being accused of meddling in the U.S. presidential election. His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which researchers have concluded was likely the work of two Russian intelligence agencies.

He is a desperate, despicable man.

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Guest123018-4's Avatar
I suppose low enough to lie to the American people about your emails, but, I am sure she can go lower and , probably has.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He should be stood up against a wall and shot as a traitor!




(sound familiar, dupeshits?)
gfejunkie's Avatar
I don't seem to recall this much outrage on the left when Sarah Palin's emails were hacked and released to the public.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't remember that even happening.

And besides, how do emojis translate into Russian?

gfejunkie's Avatar
I don't remember that even happening.

And besides, how do emojis translate into Russian?

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Other countries are alarmed at Trump's remarks about possibly pulling out of NATO; and also the fact that the US may not assist them if they were attacked. This is serious and most world leaders involved with NATO agree. They don't like Trump's close relationship and/or ties with Putin and Putin's meddling in America's presidential election. It's wrong and crosses all boundaries. And Trump is not even President yet. Most intelligence people think his remarks and actions are impulsive, reckless and even dangerous, especially if he became President. His actions may even be a threat to national security.

Estonia’s president has expressed alarm that Trump would undercut the NATO alliance. Another news report tells us: “Eastern European NATO members, long in the habit of accusing Russia of aggressive plans to target them, were apparently given a cold shower by US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who cast doubt over Washington’s commitment to defend them.” The report goes on to quote the Czech prime minister, who declared at a news conference, “NATO is the basis of our security. I expect that also in the United States, whoever wins the presidential election, I hope the United States will remain a solid NATO partner.” If so, he had better hope Trump loses.

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gfejunkie's Avatar
The sky is falling! the sky is falling!!!
The sky is falling! the sky is falling!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
See above post. Bump. Other countries are alarmed.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The sky is falling! the sky is falling!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
See above quote.
Trump has never said anything about pulling out of NATO. The media said he did. They lied.
LexusLover's Avatar
Other countries are alarmed. Originally Posted by SassySue
Did you check with them?

"Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, staring directly into the cameras. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

An excellent idea! Since the current administration's FBI Director can't seem to find them, perhaps the Russians have copies, since it seems the FBI has inquired of the email provider she used to receive and transmit them and they apparently couldn't find them either!!!!!

Aren't you glad that Trump has the kind of relationship with the Russians that will provide him an opportunity to seek their assistance with the sharing of information they obtain through "GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATIONS"? I mean .. that will be "handy" if the Chinese manage to HACK AGAIN into our GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED DATA BASES and delete important Classified documents. Trump can contact Putin and ask him to forward over they copies the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT has of the deleted emails!!!! International cooperation and mutual assistance.
LexusLover's Avatar
Most intelligence people think his remarks and actions are impulsive, reckless and even dangerous, especially if he became President. His actions may even be a threat to national security. Originally Posted by SassySue
Who are the "intelligence people" who said his "remarks AND ACTIONS are impulsive"? Name them and the their current position in "intelligence" agencies.
Did you check with them?

"Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, staring directly into the cameras. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

An excellent idea! Since the current administration's FBI Director can't seem to find them, perhaps the Russians have copies, since it seems the FBI has inquired of the email provider she used to receive and transmit them and they apparently couldn't find them either!!!!!

Aren't you glad that Trump has the kind of relationship with the Russians that will provide him an opportunity to seek their assistance with the sharing of information they obtain through "GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATIONS"? I mean .. that will be "handy" if the Chinese manage to HACK AGAIN into our GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED DATA BASES and delete important Classified documents. Trump can contact Putin and ask him to forward over they copies the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT has of the deleted emails!!!! International cooperation and mutual assistance. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Haven't you been watching the news? It's the FBI and the CIA intelligence officers that are the most concerned about Trump! They are concerned because they think he might be a threat to our national security, dumbo.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Haven't you been watching the news? It's the FBI and the CIA intelligence officers that are the most concerned about Trump! They are concerned because they think he might be a threat to our national security, dumbo. Originally Posted by SassySue
Link? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Putin’s Buddy Trump Is About To Get National Security Briefings. Intel Officers Are Worried.

“Never have we had a candidate so tied to a foreign power, especially one that is so hostile to the U.S. in many ways, and one that is actively messing with our election,” said one former senior intelligence official. “Many [in the intelligence community] don’t care about U.S. politics and pride themselves on being nonpartisan, but the ties to Russia are deeply disturbing.”

[Read More: The Real Winner Of The GOP Convention Was Vladimir Putin]

Former intelligence officials say that Trump would not be briefed on covert actions or learn about sensitive sources or methods of collecting intelligence, but he could have access to information that would be highly valuable to Putin.

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