Republicans Are Having A Meltdown Over Bradley Cooper’s Presence At The DNC

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The level of idiocy is off the charts. They can't tell the difference between movies and real life.
So he played Chris Kyle in American Sniper. These loons actually thought he was Chris Kyle. LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Something else they can blame on "Hollywood!"
LexusLover's Avatar
Since when was the HuffPost a "Republican" rag?
He's an actor, playing a role. I don't know what his real life political views are.

I take exception when a actor, or any other celebrity, uses their fame to preach to us from on high, as if being able to carry a tune or remember a line makes them an authority on all things.

I had some plumbing work done a while back at my shop, and the plumber was outstanding. The shit flows again.

But his being a great plumber doesn't nessessarilly make his political views any more or less important than anyone elses.
LexusLover's Avatar
....playing a role. ... Originally Posted by Jackie S
The "playbook" for the remainder of the election cycle until the polls close will be for the Liberal Hillarious Lovers to nonstop post and tweet bullshit remarks, taken out of context, and unvetted to clutter the "information" field and interfere with searches to verify legitimate information with the belief (sometimes justified) that the uninformed will just accept the bullshit as truth.

If they repeat, quote, and link enough shit, some of it will "stick" and some "low information weaklings" will perceive it to be nutritional fertilizer.

SissyChaps and SissyPoo are the purveyors and distributors of such crap.

Iva-Little-One and YouRong currently engage in it on a slime level.

After the elections they will whine about hanging chads and other foolishness, because the "rigging" of their results didn't work and the general response of voters rejected their form of divisive hogwash. It's happened before.
Wonder if EKIM and assup will be offering any discounts down at their gloryholes to the shrilLIARy voters that proudly demonstrate their stupidity with a shrilLIARy bumper sticker on the bicycles or " eco " cars ?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Yeah, except that they're not. A complete bullshit story courtesy of that completely unbiased media. For fuck's sake.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, except that they're not. A complete bullshit story courtesy of that completely unbiased media. For fuck's sake. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
SissyChaps knew that. Just more of the bullshit he's spreading.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Figures. Expect more of the same in the next three months. Lib posers. Lib liars. They're everywhere.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would love to hear the rationale from Nurse Chapel about using a celebrity (and the dems have so many vacuous celebrities) who made a movie about a real hero (which if I remember she called a fake). Your position seems very hypocritical. On one hand we are to respect an idiot like Silverman, Franken, or Perry but you also grouse about people being disappointed about a role an actor played.

Nurse Chapel earlier said that the GOP had no celebrities at their convention.....why are celebrities so important to you? That's what you were told? I have no doubts that you will be going away with the convention being closed but you will pop up once in a while the closer the election gets. Rudy Guiliani's appearance more substance than any dozen celebrities at the DNC. Something that I just thought of, since so many Hollywood celebrities are democrats, where were they? Bernie supporters maybe? Maybe not on board with Hillary?
  • DSK
  • 07-29-2016, 05:55 PM
The "playbook" for the remainder of the election cycle until the polls close will be for the Liberal Hillarious Lovers to nonstop post and tweet bullshit remarks, taken out of context, and unvetted to clutter the "information" field and interfere with searches to verify legitimate information with the belief (sometimes justified) that the uninformed will just accept the bullshit as truth.

If they repeat, quote, and link enough shit, some of it will "stick" and some "low information weaklings" will perceive it to be nutritional fertilizer.

SissyChaps and SissyPoo are the purveyors and distributors of such crap.

Iva-Little-One and YouRong currently engage in it on a slime level.

After the elections they will whine about hanging chads and other foolishness, because the "rigging" of their results didn't work and the general response of voters rejected their form of divisive hogwash. It's happened before. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I hope you are correct about this election - I still consider Mr. Trump, who I feel like would make a great President, is up against an almost insurmountable minority and woman vote tsunami. The Democrat's divide and conquer strategy has ruined the country by splitting us into many fault lines, but it has gotten them to the brink of liberal hegemony.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I dont give Sistine long.
Just another shill.